Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tired of our concerns and questions being ignored

To whom it May concern,

How long will it take for us to have our meeting with Cecilia !!  We have been asking for a very long time with no response. Where is the concept that we are conversationilsts, here to provide excellent customer service.  The only thing we are getting are NO calls, NO support to make this company excel over our cable companies and our pay staying at base pay with NO chance to achieve higher. We asked to speak to Cecilia whether it be in Johnstown or Stamford.  It is now over a month and we have heard not one peep.

Retail Centers across the country look at our PFP and let that be your guide.

Brothers and Sisters lets sing it loud and clear that we are united and will not allow our thoughts and ideas to fall on deaf ears anymore.


  1. What Gives PFP with NOBLE?!?!?! UnfairSeptember 7, 2011 at 10:37 AM

    PST is aware of the audio issues this morning.

    Please log out of Noble and back in. If issue persists…please log out and back in again. The issue is sporadic.

    This has been an ongoing issue. We are consistently calling PST or help desk. Or receiving emails
    That NOBLE is down and that we need to log out.
    We were told these new systems were supposed to be new and improved and better quality than ASPECT, and help us do or jobs more efficiently.
    And that it was also to cut expenses to the company.
    My question is how is this benefiting the company and us,and most of all our customers ,when we spend more time reporting issues & computer issues with this, than we are actually able to do our jobs.
    The company is paying us an hourly rate to just sit there and wait for the emails to say noble is back up & it’s ok to sign back in. We are also loosing sale opportunities while we are sitting there doing nothing, and customers getting upset because they call the phone company and we can’t even help them because our phone systems don’t work properly.

  2. WAH coaches must be PAID FOR PERFORMANCE and than we may see action in our concerns. VOTE PFP for Catherine Decuyke and all her WAH COACHES

  3. The lack of comments on this blog site is the reason we do not get what CWA and other locals get. We are only as strong as our membership and looks like our membership is happy with everything that is going year at bargaining will be a piece of cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. you need a who cares button for that survey

  5. Not taking it anymoreSeptember 9, 2011 at 9:18 AM

    Does the union know that offline places orders for sales and then put the sales to Shop Frontier online so noone gets the sales. Mean while most of us in NY are at bottom pay an cant get a dam install to make sales sorry Im not happy about this at all

    This csr called in to confirm his due date today I said oh u placed your order on line he said no I called in over the phone to place this order so the company is also covering ther butts by putting it under shop frontier online and dont tell me they the company cant direct where calls go they sure can

  6. UNITED WE STAND OR UNEMPLOYED WE WILL BESeptember 13, 2011 at 7:20 PM

    I think its great that ny reps are now starting to speak out about the unfair labor things that the company is doing that affect our wages,at the same time saying your not offering and making the money by offering POM or PLOCS, I wonder how long it will take for them to step away from their computers and unite against the PFP plan, we know alt channels are not going bit they dont have to affect our hourly wage has been the issue. We will do what ever is needed but WHY is NY being stepped on!!!! An ALLOWING IT TO TAKE PLACE.. STAY HOME AND DONT STAND UP FOR THE ISSUES AND YOU WILL BE STANDING ON THE UNEMPLOYMENT LINE SOONER THAN LATER..Make time and unite together before its to late..ATTEND THE UNION MEETING TO SEE WHAT WE CAN DO TOGETHER ITS OUR JOBS!!!!

  7. The union does know that the NY WAH supervisors are going to Texas the new call center that is hiring 600 new employees to help hire and train down there.. hummm where is their loyality, besides telling the NY reps how badly they are doing on top of all the issues we have with phones and systems. When is WAH going wake up when they tell them they are done and then they will blame that on the union too.. ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!! STEP IT UP WAH THE CLOCK IS TICKING

  8. So I just heard Deland going to put offline jobs at home... We were asking to have these jobs in NY. whats wrong with this picture. The cant do the job in the center let alone at home. The company should give it to NYWAH !!!!

  9. Catherine, Why are you not fighting for us to have these jobs in NY? Your support for NYWAH seems to disappear when you fly out to the other locations you go to, as well as the ny supervisors that fly all over to support the other centers, What about us? You all dont mind telling us how much we suck, however, you all dont mind using us when you need us. To the local supervisors that go away for the company for weeks at a time, where are you going to be when the company is done using you? Support your base NY WAH!!!!!

  10. Make time to get toghtherOctober 11, 2011 at 3:31 PM

    It was shocking to hear last night the stuff our membership allows the company to get away with. We really need to get together and let each other know what is going on. There is no excuse to at least make qrtly meeting to just get together compare notes and see each other, we could turn it into a fun night out and visit with each other as well.

  11. Hello folks! Look, the contract got ratified and all these types of concerns were swirling then. Unfortunately the fear vote over ruled the common sense vote. It's going to happen again if issues aren't brought up NOW and a support base is given the chance to grow in strength before the next joke-of-a-contract goes up for vote.

    What will be the next excuse Miss maggie come up with so she can buy up more Verizon territory? More furloughs while contractors still work in the field? More non-union call centers built and union occupied rep positions eliminated?

    These are the realities folks.

  12. Words FOR Maggie Wilderotter.......... Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.

  13. 75% of collections calls were moved to csr svc que???

  14. So we got an e-mail that they want to have another WAH gathering. Another opportunity for local management to put on a dog and pony show about how wonderful things are and cheer and be all happy-go-lucky. I sincerely hope Cecelia comes to this meeting. I for one will be giving her good honest feedback about how much our jobs suck and a reality check on what its really like here. Come on Cecelia show your face and listen to what we have to say.
