Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Union Meetings

This Week we Have Two(2) Union Meetings

Tuesday Dec 6th -  6:00pm Exec Comm Mtg Sherburne

Tuesday Dec 6th -  7;00pm  Sherburne Union Mtg

Thursday Dec 8th - 12:00pm Meet New Hires in Jtown

Thursday Dec 8th - 6:00pm - Exec Comm Mtg Jtown

Thursday Dec 8th - 7:00pm Jtown Union Mtg

I will discuss the topics that were discussed at the bargaining table in Tennessee IBEW 1087.  I was invited to sit at the table with them on Thursday (12/1) and Friday (12/2).

If there is an item that you would like to discuss and be posted here please write it in the comment section so all the members can see what will be discussed.



  1. Vice Chair Kathy KalesaDecember 3, 2011 at 9:08 PM

    I would like to discuss how happy NYWAH is with their jobs... And start to go thru the other Departments and see where we need to work on in the contract..Now is the time to get working together on a solid plan.. it has come to my attention the WAH does not want to say anything about their jobs cause they are job scared. That is more reason we should be ALL getting together, SEE the concerned and the caring WAH reps at the meetings to come up with a plan tp keep their jobs.

  2. Frustration mounts in middletown collections - what is going on with the Wah pilot. There is rumblings that it is not going to move forward because the union is not willing to compromise?? We need to start to go to the meetings to voice our opinions and thoughts ahead of time. Get UNITED 363! If we do not stand together things are going to get ugly. Why does it seem that the union cares about upstate and Middletown always gets the raw end of things. GIL - Please allow Ellen to open WAH up to her people!! There are employess interested in going home to work which will free up room to bring more jobs to 363.

  3. To All Collection Reps,

    The union has told Ellen, Joyce and the company that they can have more WAH collection jobs. The only thing they must do is post the positions . That way it is done by the contract. The most senior qualified member would get the job. The job would go to an existing collection member.

    Ask Ellen if this was agreed upon? Her concern was she wanted a Middletown person, I advised her the contract would guarantee that due to being most qualified. I firmly believe she just doesn't want to post it and select who she chooses not according to contract.

    So please speak up at John Street and say Ellen post the jobs the union is not holding up the WAH jobs.

  4. bright eyed and bushy-tailed in Sherburne, NYDecember 5, 2011 at 12:25 PM

    Folks, If We want to be prepared for what is likely to be shoved at Us by the Company next Year, We ought to attend December's Meeting, don't You think?? You Snooze, You Lose.

  5. How many more jobs are they allowed?

  6. I hope you guys don't bully us out of w@h jobs, like saves was ruined for us.

  7. Come To Union Metings You Will Hear The AnswersDecember 5, 2011 at 5:42 PM

    The individual who wants to make a comment about the saves. We didnt lose the saves, the company never offered them to us. We stated to Catherine and cecilia give us the save jobs we will match the price, Guess what they were never offered to us..

    If you dont believe this, then lets get catherine and the union in the same room and ask that question. Guess what you will hear that the company never offered the work.

  8. I hope they offer as many wah jobs in collections as reps will take

  9. Upstate needs to worry about upstate and leave middletown out of your issues. When wah was offered for middletown the reps should have put in for it .Your all saying ellen dont post jobs well when was the last time catherine posted one . catherine dont hire who is qualified she hires who she wants on her team. we need to be united , united in leaving well enough alone because we should be glad we still have jobs. wake up people the company has so many more centers now, that our jobs can go elsewhere.take what you get, your salary isnt that bad compared to the unemployment salary
