Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Friday, October 29, 2010

You Say You Want A Revolution?

We don't wanna change the world! We just want a fair contract......nuff said.


  1. Tired of the Greed of the Few at the expense of the ManyOctober 30, 2010 at 12:22 AM

    Not sure if this will be the first comment on this new entry or not, but I have to say that WE ARE UNITED! All of the locals will back each other! So be fair with us or we will do whatever is necessary to prevail! WE THE PEOPLE are not only fed up with our POLITICIANS, and TAXES! WE ARE FED UP WITH CORPORATE AMERICA AND WALL STREET!! Take NOTICE! We the PEOPLE of AMERICA have had enough! The Politicians will be shown this on ELECTION DAY and FRONTIER will be shown this when it is time to vote down an unfair contract!!!! So you all better break out your work boots or start filling up your overseas bank accounts.

  2. Management better heed what is being said and take us seriously because we are obviously ready to take this thing all the way. Plans are in place and preparations and checklists have begun. We want a fair contract and if we don't get one all of the customers are going to see that we didn't this time. Think the stock won't drop once there's a show of solidarity by the union? Forget it. No one wants to put their money into a company that is treating their employees like 3rd world workers. Frontier management is placing this company among other corrupt companies like ENRON, Global Crossing and TYCO. Get us our money back, give us a raise, give us job security, keep health contributions where they are and maybe you'll look like a hero to some. But face it, the damage is done and when management's lips are moving, they're LYING!

    REVOLUTION!! and we'll NEVER get thirsty enough to drink the Kool Aid from corporate again!

  3. The revolution has begun! We can make as much of an impact for the benefit of the customers as we are making here for ourselves, all we need to get that going is appreciation for what we do. Step 1 is a fair contract! You want excellent service? Let the service people do their jobs, and not force them into sales. Let the service reps on the phone resolve customer issues and delight the customer, not disgust them by trying to dig deeper into their pockets. Let the Sales people sell, that's what they are paid for. We have all, always, promoted Frontier products and services at APPROPRIATE times, no quota's required! It's easy, let each of us do our jobs for fair wages and benefits and treat us like the responsible adults we all are, then we will all win.

  4. Lot's of people said that you never get back what you lose in a strike. That's true if you are talking about money. This time what we will get back is the DIGNITY that was taken away from us when we were ROBBED by corporate last year. We will get back our PRIDE. We will get back our COURAGE from being bullied by our supervisors because THAT WILL END! We will get the RESPECT we deserve for doing our jobs so well that you corporate pigs roll in money every day while we're struggling to pay for housing, food and utilities.

    It's plain to the eye now, corporate. We aren't afraid of the monetary losses that will come with a strike. We are MORE AFRAID of losing our souls to the corporate greed that is Frontier management.

  5. To All My Brothers and Sisters,

    I want to say thanks for all the support we are receiving from the TCC4 Council members. The confrence call the council had with our bargaining committee while you were all in Naples was great.

    If we all continue to stick to the plan and follow thru with the resolution that was passed at the confrence we all will benefit greatly.

    Today, the company is attacking 363, tomorrow it will be another Local. My brothers and sisters here in NY are committed to the cause and all agree to support all our brothers and sisters in the IBEW and CWA.

    In closing, keep the faith and stay united !!

    Together we will prevail.

    In Solidarity,


  6. I for one am very happy with the STRIKE VOTE outcome.....
    when I went to the union meeting Thursday I felt so proud to belong to a very UNITED group of people.....
    I walked into that room at THE Holiday Inn hopeing that all my brothers and sisters felt the same way I did ......




    GO IBEW 363.....

  7. Responding to the Post Oct 29th at 9:07pm, under the heading "I'm stickin to the union", regarding the e-mail sent to sherburne plant center employees Yesterday. Did the "Manager" Who sent the e-mail ever consider the possibility that a Frontier Management Employee posted the "hurtful & mean" comment on this BLOG with the intention of craft employees being blamed?? Remember, We ARE talking about a Stalin-style Company Here. No Class or professionalism, just arrogance, greed and massive corruption. There is another Post in the section below this One that mentions a class action lawsuit regarding Todd's attempts at STIFLING FREE SPEECH. How about another class action lawsuit, regarding the allegations of the Company illegally putting Employee's 401k accounts "on the chopping block" to secure loans for early retirement buyouts and stock buybacks a few years ago?? Pres Obama has already been e-mailed about that one. Nice Job Frontier, way to "put the customer first" and "be ethical in all of your dealings". Start living Your own "values", rather than merely using them as a whipping tool for your loyal, compassionate union employees!! Oh, Save Yourself some Money, discontinue the "employee survey". Just use the posts on this BLOG. Uncensored comments are the ONLY TRUE SURVEY RESULTS that You need. No possible way to trace the comments to any individual. Your LIES about the employee survey being confidential??? How is it that My Supervisor TOLD ME in a Meeting RIGHT AFTER THE SURVEY RESULTS WERE ANNOUNCED that, and I quote; "You didnt do Your Survey". How would She have known that??? Frontier's union employees no longer trust ANYTHING MANAGEMENT SAYS. If Your lips are moving, then A LIE IS BEING TOLD.

  8. Now management is trying to get us to stop with the "negativity"? TYPICAL! They treat us like crap and bring on the negativity and now they want us to shut up. Can they be that naive about how we've felt FOR YEARS about our treatment? Please tell me we don't work for true idiots, but I have a feeling we do if they haven't figured out why we're so angry.

    Then again it was corporate that said the day after Thanksgiving would be a busy shopping day for phone and dsl service! LMFAO!!! maybe they are just that dumb.

  9. I think they are all just bean counters and want to know how many they get to keep

  10. I have a right to voice my concernes,negative or not. let's start by having a fair contract proposal this week and we'll see where it goes from there. NONE of us trust you corporate greedy SOB's anymore. Todd your smarter than this. You knew this would blow up. So your bosses are really going to be upset after that little stunt,scare tactic,damage control or what ever your calling it. Did Cindy V get a pep talk to ? she is really the one to whom which the company should be concerned with. What a pit bull, dogs like her and maggie should be kept on a leash. cheers and have a great weekend

  11. wow Todd, I almost thought that speech came from the heart. You care so much for your group. Almost made me think, until I heard kathrine spew the same BS. word for word. You could not close the sale, and let us not forget.... you guessed it "nothing happens until someone sells something" sale denied ! I'm sticking with the union.... stay united 363.

  12. enough really is enoughOctober 30, 2010 at 4:24 PM

    Door mats no more. I don't think we'll let you walk on us no more. Bad for you bad, for us and very bad for the customers. Live your standards,respect 1st and for most. Let the union members be strong .united we ARE. have at "em" 363.

  13. I can't wait to order my phone services on black friday... From Time Warner!

  14. I have a good Idea!! How about DeLand Reps UNIONIZE!!! If they do they will get better PAY our reps used to average around $20.00 per hour or better with commission before the center was moved, better BENEFITS, better training, a grievance process, Customer Service will Improve, etc.... Come on DeLand!! Become union brothers and sisters!! You wouldn't regret it!

  15. We need to get a few buses so we can go picket in front of Maggie's house! We need to contact our elected representatives to make sure they know how this company treats its constituents as customers and as employees! We need to start handbilling the public so that they are aware of how this company treats us! We have only begun this fight!

  16. CWA 2276 WV Supports YOU ALL. Stand strong our contract is up early April and we are with you guys "FED UP THE LIES AND PROMISES" Maggie must think we're all Idiots,As before In Your Earlier Blogs "Don't Drink The Koolaid................

  17. Negativity, really? Maybe because the Union represented workers of Frontier continue to take their jobs seriously and do their best, always, to delight and put the customer first, management honestly didn't know how unhappy we have actually been. If so, thanks to the Union and this blog, we now have a voice and can let the truth be heard! We don't like taking home less each year while the top minority continue to gain obscene wealth on the work we do. We don't like having money taken from us under the guise of economic hardship to have it thrown in our faces twice over that it was all LIES! We don't like being treated like children, or worse, a financial burden. We don't like being told to be a jack of all trades and a master of none, we are proud of the jobs we do and are GOOD at. It's easy, the Golden Rule applies to all, no religous affiliation necessary. Treat people the way you want to be treated. Respect is not a one way street. If you want respect, show some respect!

  18. No one wants to strike but if a fair contract isn't within Frontier management's ability then a strike it will be.

    Come on- you've taken money out of our pockets for years now. It's time to realize that we are doing a good job, we're making you money and now we need to be compensated fairly.

  19. CO tech speaks good words...very well said!

  20. The worker's families are behind this vote so think about how many employees will be picketing and then multiply it by 2 maybe 3 or 4. It will be quite the eye-opener to the local community-yes the local customers.

    Management has their chance to avoid a HUGE PR problem and come to the table with a fair contract. We aren't backing down and we are making plans and sticking to "the plan". Stockholders will take note and if they don't particularly care about the treatment of the employees they will care about POOR MANAGEMENT!

  21. It is true this is were the real employee survey results are coming forth!!!! I always wondered why the employee survey results were so good, they just join them together, instead of by department, if they were split up the results would be very one should do the survey next year!!!!!

  22. This is all just negativity and we're hurting the companys feelings. Guess what my pockets are hurting . Give us a fair contract and get over it. We have a right to speak our minds ,protest,picket, and anything else we want on our time. Think this is bad wait till cwa in the western part of the state starts in with you ...and then WV and so on . going to be a long road "MAGS".For you and your puppets. Your sisters will always be more successful.Just get over it.

  23. Happy Halloween To All !!!

    I wish everyone a safe and Happy Halloween !

    Enjoy this day with your children and Grandchildren.


    John, Sam, Tom, Gil & 363 Bargaining Comm

  24. Just wanted to wish all my fellow 363 a happy halloween. Enjoy today! God Bless our negotiators as they go back to the table this week!...Just remember team..we stand behing you !!!!

  25. Todd, Catherine and whatever other company "puppets" gave those speeches on the negativity surrounding bargaining SHAME ON YOU. We have the right to feel how we feel and say what we want to say. I was not swayed one little bit. In fact it really ticked me off. Its funny we don't have enough time for extra training we ask about but there is time for us to get lectured like children when its something you want to say. You just added fuel to the fire. UNITED 363 NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID!

  26. Happy Halloween my Brother & Sisters.. Frontier better come up w/ a fair contract ASAP.. the holidays are coming and instead of them forcing black friday on us,they will be working on black friday. I would love to see all managers working on the holidays doing our jobs, would love to see how many HSI they sell or save.Maybe the same rule should apply to them, If they do not meet their sales quota, they would lose their jobs.. Man, I wish I could be a fly on the wall WHEN we strike..

  27. Sending positive thoughts to the negotiating team. You are APPRECIATED by most of the 363 membership and those that don't now will appreciate you guys when we get a fair contract!

    Good Luck this week!!!

  28. May god bless our negotiating team! Stay strong! We are all united!

  29. Management has to decide whether they can handle the PR nightmare that will come with a worker strike. If we strike the other unions will follow suit if the company continues to play games.

    There may be a lot of VP's but how many of them can do anything beyond dialing a telephone? Be wary of supervisor "riders" in the upcoming weeks. They will need a crash course in the day to day tasks of craft.

    We're spread thin in some areas now. How will they handle the jobs when we're not there? I'd like to see the NOC- there may be lots of management in there but do they all know the various switches? The heads will pop off the Deland reps if they have to handle the majority of calls. Could be interesting to see some of the managers gaffing poles!

    Let's just hope management comes to their senses and gets real and fair with these negotiations.

  30. The vote was so important even kids came to vote. They got pins and pens

  31. Jets lose, Buffalo almost pulls it off

  32. I too would like to express my "THANKS" to our Negotiating Team. We appreciate everything you are doing for us-God Bless You All and Good Luck This Week!

  33. Back to the table starting today, let's see if management has come to have a serious discussion or just play games. We are ready either way. Bring us a fair proposal, and we will consider it and vote on it in good faith, we're not asking for the moon. Bring us more insults and lies, and we are ready for that, too! Stay strong and United behind our bargaining team, go 363!

  34. They misplayed their hand on this one. Sending out commands to the local management lets us know they are getting nervous about how they will handle the day to day (MONEY MAKING) aspect of the business WITHOUT the actual talent- craft workers.

    Keep those commands coming from corporate. They are firing us up!!!

    Hey local supervisors- you should be sweating!!!!

  35. Stick to your guns 363- we will prevail!!! No more being taken advantage of, no more getting our pockets picked, no more lies, no more CORPORATE THUG MENTALITY. To those that think union members are thugs- get a grip on reality. It's Frontier management that are the thugs. They steal from their workers and then rub our faces in it. Then they cry like babies when they get the criticism they deserve.


  36. "History is a great teacher. Now everyone knows that the labor movement did not diminish the strength of the nation but enlarged it. By raising the living standards of millions, labor miraculously created a market for industry and lifted the whole nation to undreamed of levels of production. Those who attack labor forget these simple truths, but history remembers them."

    Martin Luther King Jr.

  37. "Although it is true that only about 20 percent of American workers are in unions, that 20 percent sets the standards across the board in salaries, benefits and working conditions. If you are making a decent salary in a non-union company, you owe that to the unions. One thing that corporations do not do is give out money out of the goodness of their hearts."

    Molly Ivins

  38. Samuel Gompers: You can't do it unless you organize.

  39. Jimmy Carter: Every advance in this half-century: Social Security, civil rights, Medicare, aid to education... one after another- came with the support and leadership of American Labor.

  40. "In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, as 'right-to-work.' It provides no 'rights' and no 'works.' Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining... We demand this fraud be stopped". Martin Luther King —Speaking on right-to-work laws in 1961

  41. Martin Luther King, Jr.:

    We must learn to live together as brothers or we are going to perish together as fools.

  42. John L. Lewis:

    Let the workers organize. Let the toilers assemble. Let their crystallized voice proclaim their injustices and demand their privileges. Let all thoughtful citizens sustain them, for the future of Labor is the future of America.

  43. Wendell Phillips:

    The labor movement means just this: It is the last noble protest of the American people against the power of incorporated wealth.

  44. Power goes to two poles -- to those who've got the money and those who've got the people.
    -- Saul Alinksy

    This is the spirit that is back of all the great struggles of the workers to improve their working conditions. Liberty and freedom for collective bargaining is what they want and what they must have.
    -- Mary Anderson

    The quality of employees will be directly proportional to the quality of life you maintain for them.
    -- Charles E. Bryan

    The role of a labor union is to ensure that the balance is not tipped in favor of the employer when employees do not receive wages and benefits commensurate with their contribution.
    -- William Burrus

    The history of America has been largely created by the deeds of its working people and their organizations--there is scarcely an issue that is not influenced by labor’s organized efforts or lack of them.
    -- William Cahn, Labor historian

  45. The people united will never be defeated.

    The fight is never about grapes or lettuce. It is always about people.

    We draw our strength from the very despair in which we have been forced to live. We shall endure.
    -- Cesar Chavez

  46. The only thing workers have to bargain with is their skill or their labor. Denied the right to withhold it as a last resort, they become powerless. The strike is therefore not a breakdown of collective bargaining-it is the indispensable cornerstone of that process.
    -- Paul Clark

  47. If you object to unfair treatment, you're an ingrate. If you seek equity and fair consideration, you're uppity. If you demand union security, you're un-American. If you rebel against repressive management tactics, they will lynch and scalp you. But if you are passive and patient, they will take advantage of both.
    -- Congressman William Clay, Sr.

  48. Hey Maggie- this one is perfect for you

    The superior person understands rightness; the inferior person understands profit.
    -- Confucius

  49. If CEOs insist that middle class Americans compete with cheap foreign labor, why not outsource the jobs of CEOs? If business is all about cost, they should be the first to volunteer.
    -- Lou Dobbs

    The only effective answer to organized greed is organized labor.
    --Thomas Donahue

    "Poorly paid labor is inefficient labor, the world over"
    -- Henry George

  50. Great Sale at Sears this past weekend on outerwear. I bought myself a new jacket and boots and some new long underwear in case I need to be outside walking! I also have the wood for the barrel! READY TO WALK IF WE HAVE TO! GO 363!

  51. Todd, Shame on you for repeating that garbage from upper managment. Did Bobby C write that??? Catherine, can't you find your own words???

    Did it ever dawn on either of you, or the upper management, that Anonymous could be anyone??? It could even be you!!!!

    We are standing strong with the union, we are waiting for a fair contract, and we are waiting for Bobby C to get real!!!

    Most of us love our jobs, want to do a good job, and will really listen to our customers and try to meet their needs. We are not wishing for a strike, but we are willing to do what it takes to get a fair contract.

    So, I hope you can sleep at night, Todd, are you practicing getting up a pole???? Cindy, is Todd the next one that will get a taste of your vicious temper??? Todd, really, she is a time bomb waiting to go off, I hope you don't get splattered with the mess!!!

    Here's hoping this week brings a fair contract, if not.....




  52. I for one have not drank the Kool-Aid. I know several of our brothers and sisters have. They waited till friday to do so but they drank it anyway. Oh well I for one did not beleive all the RAH=RAH bull that the company sread on friday. It just shows upper level managment doesnt have a clue as to what goes on in the trenches. Just so everyone knows I have it on good authority that the speach that was given about respecting each other was a script given down from somewhere on high LOL. What a joke as if they care about you and me.

  53. The superior person understands rightness; the inferior person understands profit.
    -- Confucius

  54. The only thing workers have to bargain with is their skill or their labor. Denied the right to withhold it as a last resort, they become powerless. The strike is therefore not a breakdown of collective bargaining-it is the indispensable cornerstone of that process.
    -- Paul Clark

    If you object to unfair treatment, you're an ingrate. If you seek equity and fair consideration, you're uppity. If you demand union security, you're un-American. If you rebel against repressive management tactics, they will lynch and scalp you. But if you are passive and patient, they will take advantage of both.
    -- Congressman William Clay, Sr.

  55. Local management knows what's going on- they see it and they are stuck between a rock and a hard place. They either fall in line with the corporate thugs or they will be left out in the cold. The union can't protect them. They'll keep handing over the corporate rhetoric so they can keep their jobs, but they know as well as we do that they have no net under them. Corporate will send them packing without blinking an eye. Because...

    V.P's- easy to hire, easy to fire. Same goes with lower-middle management and they know it.

  56. Well, at this point, the strike vote has been cast. No matter what upper, middle, or lower management says the Kool Aid drinkers can't take back the votes.

    If you are letting them scare you then you just don't get it. In 3 tears when you're down to making $9.50/hr you're going to wake up and think "what happened?" Well, that's what we're trying to avoid by making it clear now how we feel and what we are going to do about it.

    Post, don't post but READ and LEARN. Take something from what is said here and think about it. If they can rattle you about some "negative" posts, what's next? atching and listening to everything you say and do when you aren't working?


  57. Wise up Corporate- it isn't just the union people posting on here and you know it. Some local managers/supervisors think we can't see or hear. Wrong! People are starting to unravel and it's no suprise. They have no protection and if things deteriorate they know they will be the targets. Keep going 363 and don't drink that crap they are trying to shove down our throats. They brought on the negativity- now they have to deal with it!!!!!!!!!!

  58. Dont worry 363..... Local 503 is with you guys.. U walk..... WE WALK !!!!! Stand strong.. we are all in this together.. God Bless This Company If They Dont Treat Us Fair !!!

  59. gee Todd, didn't know we struck such a nerve!! Is there a little guilty conscience problem here or were you just looking for sympathy??? LOOK IN THE DICTIONARY BETWEEN SHIT AND SYPHILLIS, because that is the only place you're gonna find it here. maybe all the local peckerwoods in management will see what we do for the customer, the company and for our peers on a daily basis. i'd love to see the managers do our job, that is after they go to the company climbing school and maybe they qualify. after all, they say it isn't that hard to climb. well bullshit then i wanna see it!!! there may be a few management folk, that were once craft, that might squeak it out, but the rest won't have any asses to kiss to get out of it!! hell, what if you break a nail, or your hair gets mussed up?? god forbid it's raining out. OOPS, i forgot, we have rain gear for that so can't use that one as an excuse.. for all the times we'e heard " you're the experts", or "you'll figure it out", and my favorite one, "good luck", i really hope the company has something better than their "local talent", for a back up plan.. maybe the local supervisors can scream at the customers and mysteriously get the phone to work!! (that one was for you, Doviak). keep united and keep strong

  60. Attention Kool-Aid drinkers: Learn from and Lean on Your senior members. Do NOT believe a word You hear from any non-union frontier employee. The TRUTH LIVES HERE.

  61. Yup- like a poster above the wood is chopped and ready for the barrel. People are gathering the things we'll need and we'll be ready!

  62. All of the locals will walk!! The new Verizon employees won't wanna give away all that was fought for over the years!!! Stop the "shell games" and pay us fairly while there is still a demand for our services!!! Trend in Japan is moving away from laptops and PC's!!! DSL is our main product that is keeping Frontier afloat!! What happens when the trend spreads across the Pacific, which it eventually will?? Can you FRONTIER afford to lose time?? Our landline customers are aging and when they pass on as all of us Humans do, the youth are not replacing them!!! Give us a fair contract and profit, or cause us to STRIKE and your failure will come sooner!!!

  63. Ibew member of 723 supports you and will follow the events so we may learn what frontier really thinks.Iam a former verizon employee and am used to the sub human tactics used by vz and hoped this new frontier was a step above.We are all watching,the 7000-8000 former vz workers.WE ARE WATCHING..............

  64. I truly appreciate hearing from other locals and Unions! The solidarity beyond IBEW 363 is inspiring! Only United can and will we be appreciated and given our due. Senior leadership rides on the backs of labor, time to pay the fare!

  65. Yes keep watching former Verizon employees. Sorry you ended up with a management that is as bad or worse than you've already experienced. We are grateful for your support and you will have ours when the time comes. Stay tuned and try not to be too surprised by what you will see this corporate management do.

  66. "This changes the whole game now. Having a blog will allow the people to be involved in the process, become a vocal part of the negotiations and it will empower the people like never before."

    - Sam Fratto

  67. Don't worry about the Kool-Aid drinkers too much. I know Who They are in My Department. And, I'll be working on them a lot.

  68. This is amazing!! I am so proud of OUR union right now! I can't remember a time that we have been so united. If I were management at ANY level I would be a little concerned right now. If we walk then they all have different job to do. By now I'm sure they all know their post. Hmmm let's see will they actually climb the pole or pray they are paired w/someone who can drive/operate the bucket trucks? There can't be many non-craft around that can do that! I would wish them good luck but not mean it so why say it.

    I do however wish and pray the best for our negotiating team. Stand tall, strong, proud AND STAND UNITED!!

  69. Gil,

    In regards to I/R job description, I don't like "take the lead" on there, that will be the same as "Sales" in the job title and lead to issues. Also if there is a change in corporate ownership or programs then it is still there. Lot's of times there is No Access or the person at home cannot or does not want to make such decisions. I also feel that the Associates Degree is unnecessary for what we do and the A+ certification that doesn't belong there either. If I have a college degree and such certifications then I would not wanna be climbing poles, working in inclement weather, or in other hazardous conditions that we come across on a regular basis. Especially for the pay that we receive or "DON'T receive".
    Management NEEDS to remember that we are more or less CONSTRUCTION workers after all they put us in "BLUE COLLAR" Uniforms!! The Tan ones also will be great during DEER SEASON, that is until someone gets SHOT pulling a drop through the woods. Glad to see that they "USE THEIR HEADS"!! What happened to Job Safety???

  70. So...any updates on how the first day back to negotiations went? Im curious as so are the rest of us!..Tomorrow is election day. To bad we can't "Vote" out some management.

  71. The uniform idea is absolutely ridiculous. No one thought any of it through but that's no big surprise coming from corporate. Heck they won't even give us winter jackets. Maybe we should start wearing Salvation Army winter jackets for a while-something nice and old and torn up and when the customers ask (because you know they will) we'll tell them the company can't afford to put the outside work crew in decent clothing. Again, great PR strategy on the part of corporate.

    If any stitch of clothing is not OSHA regulation then NO ONE should put a piece of it on. Period. If those comical uniforms are issued then we'll call in OSHA officials and the company will have wasted, yet again, more money that could have been spent wisely- like on keeping the employees in decent living conditions.

  72. Come on folks- stop being afraid because corporate doesn't like this blog. Tough beans. They created this mess now they have to deal with it. If you let fear stop you from voicing your concerns you will end up with the same garbage they have been force feeding us for too long.

    Corporate does not have a plan if we walk- how could they? They are typical corporate and can't do our jobs. Local supervisors will be whipped into working long shifts and won't make it past a few days. The customers will go ballistic, PSC fines will mount up- all because the corporate types like to play games so when they go big business board-of-directors hopping they can show that they taught those "bad middle class people" a lesson.

    There's a huge disconnect in this country. People like us don't play the stock market (usually). The rich form their whole lives around their personal net worth. We the workers form our lives around our families, friends, co-workers, church, school, etc. We basically work for heartless, soulless beings. They don't care if we struggle because they actually think that's why we're here- to struggle and make money FOR THEM.

    ENOUGH! We need to get back what they have continually stolen from us. If we need to make a stand and make a monetary sacrifice for it, so be it. We need to get back our dignity and they need to look up the word integrity and get that for themselves.

    Stand strong and stand together. It's the only way we will be able to get back on a fair level with these "people".

  73. There was an article about the possible strike in an upstate paper-The Gazette- last week. The local media is picking up on this issue and they are watching.

  74. Good Luck Today 363 Negotiating Team. We are still not drinking the kool aid.

  75. Local management- if you think the union workers are unsympathetic to you you've got another thing coming because corporate just looks at you folks like lowly non-union workers. You know what happened last year. Are you really that stupid that you will believe the lies they are telling you? They lie to everyone- union, managers, investors, media- everyone.

    You people think you'll tow the line for corporate and that someday you'll "be someone" like those zombies in Stamford. Save yourselves now before you sell out and end up an empty shell of a person who could have had some integrity. Well, that was addressed to all of you except the local manager that decided she'd rather just be a bully. She's plain nuts and should have a "liability" stamp stuck on her. Next time she pulls a stunt like she did, the local police will be taking her out of the building in handcuffs-guaranteed.

    We just want a fair contract and a fair contract is one that does not take away wages and ups the health premiums. If corporate can manage to swallow the 0% premiums of the former Verizon employees, then they can handle not raising our premiums. That's fair.

  76. Hell hath no fury like a union lied to and stolen from.

  77. Not fallin' for scare tactics here. read all the garbage from corporate you want to me it doesn't matter. we've been kicked around and bullied enough. A fair contract is what we want. start listening to our negotiators because they are spelling out to you what we want. you people have profited from our hard work and knowledge. now it's time you share the wealth and give us a fair contract. keep your scare tactics we aren't listening

  78. The Sunday premium has to stay. Otherwise Sunday's will be all newer people to cover because seniors won't take the day if there's no bonus for working it. We know we're 24/7 but there has to be some consideration for Sundays.

  79. So are we ready to walk? HELL YES!
    Are we gonna keep taking the company's B.S.? NO WAY! I am so sick and tired of the way we are treated by this company. Funny how nice they are being to us now. Doubling incentives and giving away their freebies...Maggie and whoever else is coming up with these brilliant ideas to try to sucker us in you can SHOVE IT. We cannot let them suck us in because we all know as soon as negotiations are over it goes back to the same crap we have been getting for years. I will NEVER forget the furlough. We have to stay fired more than ever. Lets hear it WAH...Collections..Sherburne...Techs and NOC...lets hear it Directory...911 ..Scream it loud...GO 363...NOT DRINKING THE KOOL AID!

  80. Frontier Management: Your Customers and Investors are Watching. Do the right thing, Delight Your Loyal Union Employees- Everone wins. Continue stealing from Your Loyal Union Employees, Your Customers will revolt!!

  81. Keep the momentum folks. Don't let a few crocodile change your minds because corporate doesn't care if we're stressing out over paying for food and a mortgage. So I, for one, am not stressing out about "hurt feelings" because that's a crock of sh*t. It's just another way for corporate to try to intimidate the workers. Don't accept it and keep posting!!!!

  82. Pissed in middletownNovember 2, 2010 at 6:32 PM

    This company is scared beyond belief!! That is why they have nothing better to do then start with the scare tactics!!! Maybe they should stop wasting there energy and bring it to the table with a fair contract. Im starting to get really sick of this company

  83. WE aren't involved in scare tactics on the union end. The strike vote is serious and we will follow through if a fair contract isn't put on the table.

  84. Do you work for one of America's happiest companies?

    Studies show that positive employees outperform negative employees in terms of productivity, sales, energy levels, turnover rates and healthcare costs. According to Shawn Achor, Harvard researcher and author of "The Happiness Advantage," optimistic sales people outperform their pessimistic counterparts by up to 37%. In fact, the benefits can be seen across industries and job functions. Doctors with a positive mindset are 50% more accurate when making diagnoses than those that are negative.

    Today, a few forward-thinking companies are investing in the happiness of their employees to drive innovation and boost productivity.

    "If you infuse fun into the work environment, you will have more engaged employees, greater job satisfaction, increased productivity and a brighter place to be," says Stacy Sullivan, the chief culture officer of Google, who has a telling and rare title at a company often celebrated for its campus and perks.

    The tech giant offers its 23,000 employees perks like onsite daycare, dry-cleaning, oil changes and free breakfast, lunch and dinner. Google also hosts "TGIF" weekly staff meetings in which staffers can ask questions of the CEO. Perhaps most creative, Google's encouragement of the "20% project" -- employees use 20% of their work time on a project outside the scope of their jobs -- led to the creation of Gmail and Google Talk.

    Other companies are also finding creative ways to increase workplace happiness. Financial firm UBS offers employees a nap room and a Friday beer cart. Beverage company PepsiCo encourages associates to get outside by offering them plots of land to start organic gardens.

    Maybe Frontier should be a fast follower of the companies such as Google, Adobe, IBM, KPMG or Amex as mentioned in the article that the above text was taken from on Yahoo Finance. FRONTIER there are lessons to be learned from these companies!!! Give us a fair contract and treat us with the respect that we deserve!!! NO KOOL AID for ME!!!

  85. lets get a petition for union health insurance, right on the 363 web site....

  86. Hello my brothers & today I took down my personal pictures and such from my work station and brought them home space looks the office will be if we have to STRIKE...I am willing and waiting for the word...BRING IT !!

  87. You used the words "creative" and "Frontier" in the same post. That's the only time those two terms will ever be seen together, unfortunately.

    The only "creativity" the CEO has shown is to lie to employees, then steal their money and run off to buy access lines.

  88. I'm sure that it was well before the current senior leadership was in place, but at one time Citizens/Frontier had a goal of being the "employer of choice" in their areas. I recall 100% reimbursement for wellness programs which I took full advantage of and was in the best overall health/fitness of my life. As suggested in the previous article, I was happier and proud to tell people where I worked and for whom. The evidence is there, happy employees are productive employees! C'mon Frontier! Step up and do the right thing, we will all be happier and prosper as a result.

  89. Look at the way other companies treat their employees! And we're not asking for ANYTHING outrageous- just a fair contract! It would be nice to be proud of the company I work for. But it's hard to be proud of a company that has a lying board of directors and CEO. Who can have trust and confidence in liars? Not me.

    I am proud of my coworkers that get the job done for the customers but management doesn't seem to care that we bring in the money-they just want to take it away from us.

  90. I'm not sure how else we can say this any more clearly. Keep up with the scare tactics. I could care less. WE ARE DONE. We want a fair contract or we are gonna walk. That is not a scare tactic its a warning. We are not afraid anymore. We are tired. Tired of being overworked and underpaid. Tired of cleaning up for other areas that create issues that we have to fix. Tired of being dumped on and lied to. We are not looking to become millionaires here...we'll leave that to Maggie and her cronies. We just want to be able to feed our families and pay our rents and mortgages. Give us a fair contract or we will walk...BOTTOM LINE.

  91. Hey Maggie, You're on the Board of Directors over at Yahoo. Are You capable of modeling the Success of other "forward thinking" Companies, like Google, Adobe, IBM, KPMG and AMEX?? Did You NOT learn anything from Bill Gates at Microsoft while There?? Have You NOT studied Anthony Robbins Material like I have in running My business?? I'd venture to say that My Employees are far happier than Yours are. C'Mon Maggie, Cecilia, Joyce R, Bobby C, and the rest of the Company's "Senior Leadership Team", get Your butts into the Game!! As the old Chrysler Chairman, Lee Iacocca said-- "Lead, Follow, Or get out of the Way"!! Contrary to Frontier Management's Belief, it IS Possible to run a successful Business in these Times, while being GENEROUS AND RESPECTFUL of Your Employees!! To the INVESTORS Who are Reading this BLOG, Be VERY CONCERNED. It's clear that You're not very concerned about how Frontier Management treats It's Employees. But, You SHOULD BE. Dissatisfied Employees are sick more often, have less motivation, and spread Negativity throughout Their Groups and Departments. All of which reduces Frontier's competitiveness in the Marketplace. I am also an investor. I intend to organize a group vote to get Maggie and the current Board of Directors OUT OF FRONTIER, before the Company has reached "the point of no return". Be VERY FRIGHTENED. The way this Company is being "run" now does NOT bode well for Shareholders or OUR EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS, Who are the SOLE REASON We all have jobs.


    Notice who is no longer on the board and there is a VERY good reason for it. Let's just say bill gates doesn't play games when he's looking at buying a company.

  93. I am an investor too. Count me in. LETS GET MAGGIE OUT!

  94. FYI- our CEO no longer sits on the board of directors of Yahoo.

  95. So, Maggie's no longer on the Board at Yahoo?? Well, I Hope She took notes. Thanks for the Correction.

  96. To the Enforcer- it's an interesting story as to why she is no longer on the board but our moderators have chosen not to put the posts up. It's actually quite interesting!

  97. Fellow Brothers and Sisters: Here is a Company-Generated Post in "Frontier Chatter"-- which is a PSC Monthly Newsletter. I thought this would be a perfect subject for Us to comment on Here, since It's a RARE INDIVIDUAL that feels comfortable giving Their TRUE OPINION about how They feel about working at Frontier, when ASKED BY A MEMBER OF MANAGEMENT (as was happening Nov 11th in the Sherburne Center).

    And I Quote, verbatim:

    "Keeping & attracting more customers- sounds difficult to achieve, right? In reality it is not- it requires each of us to take ownership of the product- in the workplace we must make sure that every order is handled as if it were for a family member. Outside the workplace we must be good stewards for the company- explaining the values of our service along with our commitment to our community"

    Comment away Brothers and Sisters, Keep it clean. But, otherwise, no holds barred. Let's give this Company's Management Team what they SAY THEY WANT: THE TRUTH, no sugar coating allowed. To 363's Negotiating Committee: 4:30am?? Wow, You folks have My ultimate respect and Admiration. We have Your back.
