Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Which Side Are You On?

Now is the time for everyone to come together and get united


  1. Finally proud to say that I am a union member! I might not agree with everything but I will be damned if I will let this company get the best of us! I will stand with my fellow employees and make the right decision for what's best for all of us!!!! Not just me!!!!

  2. Stop listening to the rhetoric coming from Stamford. They've stabbed you in the back before and they WILL do it again. Show your UNION support here and keep our negotiating team supported as well.

    363 will prevail and set the precedent for all other unions contracts coming up. We have CWA and IBEW support.

    Do not let whiny letters from corporate keep you from exercising your 1st Amendment rights. We have worked too hard to have corporate take more from us than they already do. Smile and be nice to their faces if you must- just like they "tolerate" us and then FIGHT for what is right- A FAIR CONTRACT!!!

  3. Middletown Collections Center EmployeeNovember 3, 2010 at 6:52 AM

    That was then: 2005 - $19.10/hr
    This is now: 2010 - $19.10/hr

    Fair is fair, don't you think?

    Forget the "lump sum"

    After shoveling the company's SH*T for the last five years, we deserve a "GWI".

  4. Message to My Brothers and Sisters, Customers, Media and Investors: don't forget to check out the older sections of this BLOG, as there are still People posting on those sections as well. Let's stay united and fired up!!! And, let's make an effort to talk to the Members Who are STILL drinking the Kool-Aid. Let's Wean them off the deceptively sweet Drink, that is laced with arsenic. Most Kool-Aid drinkers are doing so due to lack of knowledge, not outright opposition. To the Members that do not "get" the "whole blog thing", It's called FREEDOM OF SPEECH AT IT'S BEST. Yes, there have been a tiny amount of "improper posts". I'd venture to say that ALL OF THEM were posted by Lower level Managers, attempting to cast a negative shadow over Union Employees, Just like They cast a negative culture over Union Employees in the Workplace. So, Let's keep commenting, keep it Clean, and maintain Our original committment to avoid Personal Attacks on individuals. And, let's keep attacking Management on Policy, Harassment and nasty Propaganda mongering. Message to Frontier Management: THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN. The GOP has, at last count, gained 60 Seats in the House and several in the Senate. Do You NOT see how this REVOLT applies to YOU?? Keep playing Games and You WILL BE FINDING OUT THE HARD WAY. Keep sending Corporate "Messages" for Your Peon Managers to read to the Employees and We will turn up the Heat!! Do the right thing for Your Loyal, Compassionate, hard working and WELL TRAINED Union Workforce!! The World is watching and Union Members have a Plan, to be executed perfectly!!

  5. Good Morning Brothers and Sisters,

    Here is an update on bargaining:

    Monday November 1st both committees caucused and worked independently with their own committee members.

    Tuesday November 2nd, we met jointly and continued on contract language. We also had an assignor come to the table and express that classifications position on a proposal.

    Our bargaining committee can not express it enough that we all need to stay focused, united, professional and committed to the plan. We also want to thank everyone for their support.

    Together we will do it !!!!

  6. Thank you Gil and all of the negotiating team. We are 100% behind you!!

    Now is the time for the union membership to understand that we have gone too long without a GWI and we are losing take home pay because of the health care premiums. We have NO job security and we honestly do not have a management team we can believe in because they decided lying to us was ok and stealing from us was an even better idea.

    Our customers deserve the best and WE ARE THE BEST so we should be compensated as such. If we end up striking corporate will have no one to blame but themselves.


  7. VP of all thngs Vice PresidentialNovember 3, 2010 at 10:04 AM

    Did you ever notice management talks constantly about how great the company is doing and what a wonderful job everyone is doing......until.....

    It's time to negotiate a new contract....then

    All your hear is, the company is in trouble, and can't afford your benefits, pay, holidays, retirement, etc. and needs concessions....

    Well, we ain't buying it this time....

    Go 363!!

  8. To some observers it can appear that those on the board of directors are just milking land line phone service (Frontier) for what they can now and leave this business to disappear after they have rung from it what they can. With the way we are being dealt with there's not really an argument that management can come up with to disprove the appearance of them milky Frontier dry. The company could put out a different message if they would just treat it's employees fairly. A healthy company has healthy, happy and productive workers. Most of us are sick, tired and angry. Put your back face forward Frontier and start treating your employees like the valuable asset they are- the ones that earn the money for this company.

  9. This is just a word of encouragement from a retiree in the South. As a former officer in 363, I want to say "Stay Strong - Stay United"!

  10. To the Bargaining Committee thank you for your efforts we appreciate it. Gil you said it exactly Together we will do it. Fellow Brothers and sisters stay strong. Lean on your more senior members for support. We are here for you. We fight this battle not only for ourselves here in NY but also for the other locals that are supporting us and who will be following us in negotiations with the company. Stay Strong Stay United and We Will All Prevail.

  11. I'm not afraid to take a stand
    Everybody come take my hand
    We'll walk this road together, through the storm
    Whatever weather, cold or warm
    Just let you know that, you're not alone
    Holla if you feel that you've been down the same road

  12. Ok- the stock is going up. No excuses for the company now!!!!!

  13. Remember your bible stories; David and Goliath...hmmmm who won that fight?

  14. This is the 3rd day of negoiations. Why hasn't the Union posted anything regarding how it is going? We have a right to know! It is the Union's responsibility to update us after each session or so I thought?

  15. Everyone needs to appreciate the bargaining team for spending there time away from home and working there Butts off to get us a fair Contract We all need to stand behind them they are doing this for all of us. Go 363 Stand United.

  16. Our negotiators are working very long hours. When they have something significant to bring us they will let us know. Stand strong 363

  17. Nice to see a possible WAH collections pilot!!! Hope its offered for same pay! I'm so signing up for it!! Less pay? Forget it! Sounds like things are going painfully slow. This rate we might be able to vote on something in 2011...

  18. Thanks for the hard work, 363 bargaining team. The membership is energized, standing stong, and remain united!

  19. Corporate is going to death grip any raises for employees with 363 because we're first up. As this drags out more locals will be starting their negotiations and corporate will have to decide how long they are willing to play games. They are going to get stretched terribly thin and if they send inexperienced people out from Stamford the whole thing could be a huge mess-for them.

    Our team is experienced, professional and FOCUSED on 363!!!

  20. Those posters on this blog getting uppity about personal barbs against management are, IMHO, Kool Aid drinkers. You are showing fear- "oh they won't bring us new jobs, they will remember what was said, etc.". Tough. I have a good memory too and I distinctly remember being sobbed to about business being bad and then having money taken from me and used to buy more lines and to reward employees elsewhere.

    So you go ahead and stick to your guns and see where it gets you- RIGHT HERE. This is what we get for believing corporate propaganda- no change in wages in 4-5 years, workforce reductions-WITHOUT ANY INSULTS BEING FLUNG- and asked to give more and more without being given anything in return. You folks that are "just happy to have a job" are the types that got us where we are. If we don't show corporate that we are not going to take this garbage anymore they will continue to pile it on. They need to know how bitter, angry, disappointed and fed up the employees are and we are doing just that.

    Corporate can keep their little rah-rah speeches and their hurt feelings to themselves. They've done enough damage to us for a lifetime.


    Our negotiations team to going the distance for us-thank you!!!!

    Keep supporting the union and don't listen to the crap coming down from Stamford. The only people we need to listen to now are our union leaders.

    Do NOT Drink the Kool Aid.

  22. Good morning IBEW 363! I just saw this in an older post:

    "3. The company states they have a opened door policy. So a co workers wife emails the company about the furlough. The company doesnt like the email so they suspend the husband for 15 days. The union had to arbitrate this and the arbitrator gave the husband his 15 days back plus any OT he missed."

    This is how management intimidates the workers. If you do not like the idea of being bullied, harassed, intimidated and treated like children then you have to back the union 100%. If we weaken we will end up with less and less each year while they get richer in Stamford.

    Show them we've had enough-keep posting, keep supporting our negotiators and do what you know is right. It isn't going to be easy but it will be worth it!!

  23. Standing strong behind the union negotiating team. Also not taking any of the surveys being sent to us every day. I am not helping them do their jobs until I see a fair contract. Not walking in the parades and not participating in any outside activities that advertise and promote a company that is unfair to us. Frontier bargaining team take notice. If you are working on the economic package you will be presenting it better be a good one. We will not pay more for medical and we want the money back that was taken from us when we were lied to about furlough. Anything less and my vote is NO.

  24. To the Post of Nov 3rd at 7:22pm. Let's see... If YOU were spending WEEKS away from Your Family, spending 12-14 Hours at the Table, dealing with This Company's unfair Bargaining Tactics. And, on top of that, spending countless additional HOURS researching the Companies Counter-Proposals AND other IBEW Local Contracts ratified in the recent Past (WHEW, I'M TIRED FROM JUST THINKING ABOUT ALL OF THAT!!!), How Much Energy would YOU have to update the Website?? SHOW SOME RESPECT AND APPRECIATION!!!! I have to wonder, are You this Critical of the Company for all of the bull$h!t that THEY put us Through on a daily basis, in the Workplace?? Or, worse yet, are You a COMPANY SYMPATHIZER?? Until You "walk a mile" in Our Bargaining Team's shoes, STUFF THE CRITICISM where the sun doesn't shine!!

  25. NY WAH REP

    That was then this is now !

    2005 - 19.10
    2010- 16.85

    No more PFP

  26. Sherburne AssignmentNovember 4, 2010 at 7:33 AM

    I have to admit, a few days ago, I had a long talk with a longer-tenured assigner about the atvantages and (very few) disatvantages of using a BLOG during bargaining time. I was previously worried about some personal Attacks on this BLOG affecting where future assignment work was placed- considering that upper management is clearly reading these posts. I now realize, by reading ALL of the posts on here that this is a pretty CLEAN BLOG, by "normal blog" Standards. I also never thought that lower level management would actually place posts on here, attacking their own teammates. I'd never do that to My co-workers. I think that we owe it to Ourselves to speak out and call out management when needed. I also now believe that the Company will place work where it makes the most sense- strictly from a Dollars and Cents perspective. I feel much better now about this blog after My long talk with a co-worker. Consider Me a Convert, NO MORE KOOL-AID FOR ME!!

  27. Loyal to 363 in Sherburne AssignmentNovember 4, 2010 at 7:47 AM

    First of all, THANK YOU LORIE for spending a Day OF YOUR OWN VACATION in Lovely Newburg NY, speaking for EVERY SINGLE SHERBURNE ASSIGNMENT EMPLOYEE on Our "Proposal". Secondly, Sherburne Assignment is STEADFASTLY UNITED, and in FULL SUPPORT OF OUR UNION like never before. 94% support on a STRIKE!!! Watch out Frontier Management. Not only have the American People spoken out against DEMOCRAT-LED MASSIVE SPENDING, CORRUPTION, BAILOUTS AND OBAMA-CARE, but Frontier's 363 Employees have spoken out against lies, deception, disrespect, greed, and arrogance with Their recent "Strike Vote". And, better Yet, We have the Support of MANY OTHER IBEW AND CWA LOCALS THROUGHOUT FRONTIER, ACROSS THE COUNTRY. That very well MIGHT include Burnsville MN too!! How would You feel about a NATIONWIDE FRONTIER STRIKE?? That would blow a hole in Your "Contingency Plan", right??

  28. "NY WAH REP

    That was then this is now !

    2005 - 19.10
    2010- 16.85

    No more PFP "

    That drop in hourly wage is DISGUSTING!!! No respect for corporate bull! They obviously don't respect the employees that do the actual WORK. Enough!!! We will stand tough and get what is FAIR!!

  29. Thank you Sherburne Assignment-you saw the truth and you voiced your change of heart. Thank you and hopefully others will see things this way as well.

  30. Don't forget to look at the right hand column of this page and vote in the survey about health insurance premiums.

  31. The elections yesterday reflect voter sentiments on the current administration. The American people are fed up and so are we. Corporate America (Frontier) needs to wake up. We see you stuffing your pockets with money and then crying poor to the workers. We don't believe you anymore. We know our CEO is just another fat cat and is going to flit off to another company when this company is bled dry. Don't forget to take your friends with you. Heck let the workers run the place. we couldn't do any worse at this point. Give us a fair contract!!!

  32. in response to anonymous (11/4 @ 6:24am).. what was said about ppl who say that we should be happy just to have jobs. They are the reason why we have so many things taken from us, they have no backbone to fight. Do not bitch if a terrible contract passes. Do not want to hear it! Stand behind ur union who are fighting for you! UNITED I AM !!

  33. Anonymous said...

    That was then this is now !

    2005 - 19.10
    2010- 16.85

    No more PFP "

    That drop in hourly wage is DISGUSTING!!! No respect for corporate bull! They obviously don't respect the employees that do the actual WORK. Enough!!! We will stand tough and get what is FAIR!!
    November 4, 2010 8:24 AM

    we do the jobs of 3 different departments and we are at 16.85.. what is really wrong with that picture... things need to change.. NO PFP and NO LUMP SUM I want my MONEY back

  34. ok.. if this blog is about our fight to be treated fairly by our employer, why am I reading jabs towards Democrats and our Federal goverment?? This isnt the place for that rederic. This should be about local 363 and Frontier. People need to get over the election already!!!

  35. I sure hope our brothers and sister have been reading the local papers... Yellow Frieght.. 15% pay cut through 2015. Lost vacation time.. pension freezing.. also Valley View Center for Nursing Care and Rehabilitation.. 35 possible layoffs..Tech city firm lays off 100 employees. all in the Hudson valley. Im all for a fair and just contract. however please keep in mind that there are so many people out there that would kill to make what some of us make now. We are playing russian roulette here and yet the gun is only pointed at "our" heads, not at some of the folks who represent us. I hope at the end of the day people think and vote with thier brains and not thier hearts.

  36. So someone wouldn't strike if medical goes over 19%? They serving that Kool-Aid to you through a silver straw?

  37. I will not be filling out any survey's, participate in any parades, or give donations of any kind. My negative survey will probably only get tossed in the recycle bin. The only parade I'll be doing is with a STIKE SIGN! And as for the donations, I'd rather have a garage sale to make up for the money Frontier is too cheap to pay me.

  38. There many be many people that want to make what we make now- BUT CAN THEY DO WHAT WE DO? NOT LIKELY. There's no gun pointing at our heads- you're letting that Kool-Aid you're swillin' speak.

    If what we did was insignificant and didn't make this company money then we would all be working at Walmart.

    The intelligent vote is the one that goes for a fair contract and that means a wage raise and a hold on our health premiums.

    It's to bad to see a fellow union brother drinking that crap.

  39. Yellow Frieght.. 15% pay cut through 2015. Lost vacation time.. pension freezing.. also Valley View Center for Nursing Care and Rehabilitation.. 35 possible layoffs..Tech city firm lays off 100 employees. all in the Hudson valley.

    1. Management Post?

    2. KoolAide drinker?

    We aren't a freight company, medical care provider, or a tech firm (OBVIOUSLY). Apples & oranges. Stop listening to management. These are the types of arguements they always use. PUT DOWN THE KOOLAIDE!

  40. It sounds like someone got into the Kool-Aid or believed those messages from Stamford. What a shame. Your words are full of fear and if you don't trust our negotiating team then maybe a job with union representation isn't for you. What we have done is been too fearful for too long and we've allowed ourselves to get beaten down to this point. There may be people that envy our jobs and wages but how many of those people can do our jobs? Not many and the company knows that. My head and heart say the same thing- it's got to be a fair contract or we're going to have to walk the picket line. Don't live and work in fear because it's not living at all. Corporate needs to know it is about the monetary gains we want AND the respect and dignity we lost because of their lies. Hopefully most of us are not thinking about this situation with fear tainting our view.

  41. To the anonymous post at 5:52pm....I am thinking you are either in management or someone who has been drinking managements kool-aid. You can take your threats and scare tactics and shove them. In regard to voting with our heads...we will be voting with our wallets...if we don't get a fair contract the vote is NO. We know who is watching out for us and who is not. Our union stands with us and the company management will hang you out to dry to make a buck. UNITED 363 SUPPORTING OUR NEGOTIATING TEAM AND GETTING STRONGER EVERY DAY THAT GOES BY!! Don't underestimate us.

  42. no one cares about yellow freight or some nursing home down state.......this contract is about us (ibew 363) members and this company who just gave 300 employees $5000, not to mention the 8.6 BILLION dollars they spent on more landlines from VZ. Plus the FURLOUGH that wasnt needed!!!So after getting screwed every single contract since i have been here, ive had enough!!!! and everyone else should too!!!! your so called russian roulette game is nonsense...... so kool-aid drinker think with your brain before you post!!!!

  43. Medical needs to be brought to parity across the company before we should see ANY increase. Some former Verizon contracts are paying 0%, and they want to increase our contribution to cover the difference? No way! I don't want to see anyone's contributions go up, but I'm sure as hell not willing to cover the gap for someone paying 0%. When those contracts come due and the Company begins collecting ballanced amounts from all of it's represented employees, only then should increased contributions even be CONSIDERED! NO INCREASE AT ALL in medical contributions. Period!
    Stay unitud behind team 363!

  44. 5:52PM is a management plant.

    There are different reasons for each of those reports on each of those companies and none of them pertain to our situation. (The 100 in Tech City are because the employer lost its only contract because they LIED AND GOT CAUGHT OVERBILLING THE CUSTOMER and they cancelled on them instantly.)

    So let's not start believing this comparison stuff - none of them are us and none of us are them......and let's not listen to some manager telling us what WE are doing.

    Let's keep on the subject - OUR labor and THEIR money......and YEA, we want some of it for what we do.

    ......and for the salaries that these millionaires pull in EACH YEAR - its time they listened to us for once.

    so 5:52PM You can go back to your management cube.

  45. To ALL of the other Locals.... Thank you for your support and standing by us! Know that with out a doubt, when the time comes, WE will be there for you also. Just because we have different Local #'s doesn't mean that we're divided. We are still ALL Brothers & Sisters who work for the same GREEDY COMPANY and need to stand up for our rights!

    To the members still drinking the Kool-Aid, WAKE UP! Listen to your Senior Members, why would they steer you wrong? They have been here the longest and have watched this company steal from us over and over and over. I know the unknown is scary but TRUST THEM, you have nothing to be scared of! With age comes wisdom not just wrinkles so stop being tempted to drink the sweet sugary stuff.

    To The Enforcer, I know some expect immediate updates, they clearly dont understand the negotiating process. They need to realize that you're not at the table only 8am-5pm so they need to find their patience and understand that some nights you are still up negotiating or researching while they are fast asleep in their bed all tucked in as snug as a bug in a rug. Brothers & Sisters, patience please, this is one of the toughest years for your negotiating team! They're fighting for YOU so the least you could do is show some respect.


    United 363 will lead the way! My finances are in order, I've called my mortgage company & if we strike they'll put my mortgage payments on hold, so dont worry that a SRIKE isn't worth it, IT SOOOOOO WILL BE WORTH IT!!

  46. is feeling left out and they want to play games just like the big kids in Stamford play games. Take it somewhere else unless you want to be another person to rile us up. As a matter of fact- THANKS!! You will probably get more people going now!


  47. I have to say that there have been times that I have sided with management and felt the union needed to pick the battles they fought--but this contract is one fight I believe in fighting. We work hard for our wages and having them decrease instead of increase with time is a kick in the teeth. Thank you negotiating team!--Give us Job security for the length of the contract you are fighting for--not just the year we have left--we appreciate the time and thought you are putting into our futures--GO 363!

  48. Hey Insane Clown Posse, did you know that Frontier already knew about the VZN acquisition prior to Feb 2009 when they asked us to take furloughs? I bet nobody did. Matter of fact, as of Dec 2008, YEP 2008, they knew the access lines numbers of Frontier, the access lines of Verizon and the companies combined total access lines by state. AND GUESS WHAT I'VE GOT A PIECE OF PAPER TO PROVE IT!

  49. To 5:52 and whoever wrote the post for you...did it come from Stamford like the speeches that were read to us last week? Was it supposed to make us feel scared and worried? Like another previous post said DON'T UNDERESTIMATE US. We are more united every day that goes by. Keep playing your games...we aren't even warmed up yet. Maybe its management that should be scared and worried. Maybe they are catching heat from above. Maggie and Cecelia are your feelings being hurt? Are you upset we are not bowing down and taking the crumbs you throw at us like we are beggars in the street? You should be worried. We are more united than we have ever been. If you want this to be over give us a fair contract. We have our walking shoes and warm clothes ready to go.

  50. 5:52 must be in the 6%.

  51. The senior management has nothing to lose. The stock goes down, they get paid. They screw us they get paid extra. So we must stand up for what we need!! Which is no increase in Medical and a Wage increase!!! I want to at least maintain my standard of living for risking my health and life daily as a Tech. If you don't think I risk my life then you had better read on and use your heads for more than "hat racks". Every time I step out of that van on the side of the road, I risk getting hit by a passing motorist, I am at risk being on the road all day, I can fall off of a ladder, roof, or gaff out of a pole and fall. I can be electrocuted and may never have any warning, lightning can travel down miles of phone line faster than the sound of the thunder through the air. Power lines can come down onto the strand when I am working on it miles down the road. The homes I enter may contain not only persons with contagious illnesses, mental illnesses, or even criminals. We have no way of knowing!! Ice and snow can fall off of roofs and harm me. Not to mention the animals. SO IF ANYONE THINKS THAT JUST ANYBODY OFF THE STREET CAN DO OUR JOBS, THINK AGAIN!!!! There is more to our jobs than just connecting wires. NO KOOL AID for me!!! I WILL VOTE NO TO A POOR CONTRACT!!!

  52. We need to stay united....this company cant function without us!!!! Middletown management is collecting all the techs spare keys to vehicles and putting them in a locked office!!!! They know we mean business this time....dont waste the momentum we have by drinking that koolaid!!!!!

  53. First Off, Way to hammer on 5:52pm!! I have nothing to add to that one. However, to Nov 4th at 5:41pm, the talk about the Public's anger toward Our Government and It's big spending ways is meant as an ANALOGY to Our Anger towards Management for their lying, cheating and arrogant behavior. Sorry if You're offended. Next time, really read the posts better. Oh, by the way, I was "over the election" as soon as I saw the results. Mission Accomplished.

  54. Ray Egelhoff said...

    Members of Local 363 are at a crossroad in bargaining with Frontier, our very existence and way of life is at stake.
    Frontier is attacking our benefits, wages and working conditions in all areas by the proposals they are demanding of Local 363 and Local 543 in Nevada.
    We must stand together or we will be all brought down to the level of basic existence, with no future or hope of ever being able to do anything more than to survive.
    Business Manager IBEW Local 89

  55. Good Morning and Happy Friday 363! Continue to stand strong behind the negotiating team. They are working hard for us. Have a good weekend everyone and don't drink any kool aid.

  56. we do the jobs of 3 different departments and we are at 16.85.. what is really wrong with that picture... things need to change.. NO PFP and NO LUMP SUM I want my MONEY back

    Isn't this the truth . This is the only job I've gone backwards instead of forward. NO MORE PFP. We want our money back

  57. It is great to see all the posts that voice our unity and solidarity. We need to keep this momentum! Let management have the keys to the rust buckets. I'm fairly sure that having to "suffer" driving a company van for a few weeks could be a sobering experience for a few of them.

  58. "However, to Nov 4th at 5:41pm, the talk about the Public's anger toward Our Government and It's big spending ways is meant as an ANALOGY to Our Anger towards Management for their lying, cheating and arrogant behavior."

    Yes, you are exactly right-that is what I meant. Thanks for making my point a little clearer.

  59. We hear you Mr. Egelhoff and we agree fully. We are taking this fight all the way!

  60. My Heartfelt Prayers go out to the Family of Michelle Ashe for Their Tragic loss.

  61. On behalf of all the members and officers of IBEW Local 363, I would like to express our sincere condolences to Jim Ashe(Former Unit 12 Chairman) and his son James on the the loss of their wife and mother, Michelle Ashe. Michelle was a retired union steward for IBEW 363 Unit 12.

  62. to anomy 552pm, seems to me that those listed companies need better union representation, I am behind IBEW 363 all the way, and I know that the people on my team are united as well. No longer is WAH isolated and alone! we are one, we are united. And most importantly we know that the SLT are liars.

    SLT YOU made your unions stronger! With ever lie you told, we got closer, your furlough tale of economic crisis, more lies, more closeness, when you purchased Verizon, we became closer. Maggie, just how long have you been in bed with Ivan?

    Do you not realize that from coast to coast, we are UNITED. We wont be beat down, or lied to anymore. God bless us all! United we stand Divided we fall.

    Frontier is proud to be a USA only company, but the employees are insulted you still outsource jobs that should be done in house. Just to steal money from loyal, local workers. You preach local engagement, but these companies you have sub contracted to are not even in states where we have service. How is Deland locally engaged? We have no lines there, the measly wage you pay those folks, is spent locally, thats about it. If Deland was smart they would unionize to. WAH in Deland? No cost savings there, Frontier would still need to reimburse folks for HSI service. I wouldnt be a bit surprised if that visit from Windstream to Rochester a while ago wasn't Maggie setting the scene to get rid of her unionized properties. I certainly cant wait to take my gift of shares of stock, and vote my mind when the time comes.

    IBEW 363, we are behind you all the way, Stay strong!

  63. WAH's gotta gun and is ready to pull the triggerNovember 5, 2010 at 9:08 AM

    Hey NY, AZ and TN Reps! Better get prepared! Needs of the business is going to show its ugly head again. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Thats why they want to reduce differential, no OT on Sundays! Sad that a WAH position means less time with family. Somewhat ironic i think. Collections WAH, keep your eyes open. Look what they did 4 years ago! Try to explain to your banker why your wage is now trending downward.
    Next we will be scheduling premise visits at 3am! I guess get them while they are sleepy, will help grow access line!

  64. The divide and conquer techniques from management are already starting. Give to one department and take from another. Don't fall victim to this type of negotiating. We either ALL benefit or we'll ALL lose. Stay united!

  65. The contract has been extended until Wednesday November 10th @ 11:59pm.

    The Union gave the company proposals on the following:

    1. NOC Trainee
    2. CO Tech Trainee
    3. WAH Customer Specialist
    4. Offline Work for Johnstown

    We will meet jointly again next week. Monday thru Wednesday.

    The company will be presenting their first economic package.

    Stay strong and united.

    Your bargaining team is and will be.

    We are committed to the plan and will execute it if needed.

  66. Thank you gil!!! Nice to see possible work coming back to gloversville office!! We needed it

  67. rumor has it the company wants to freeze our pensions and give back the 401K 3% match. Take away something guaranteed for something ...ummm not so much. This is part of the way Maggie is going to save her 500 million in operating costs. This has nothing to do with a company that is in finacial distress. I believe she is just copying other big business plans in hopes she can meet her goals. The only thing is, these other businesses were/are really in trouble. Maggie is using the down economy as a tool to lie and steal from her employees. I say no to it all. support your union, stand strong. Let us not forget......." nothing happens until someone sells somthing" Go 363

  68. Great Frontier
    Now is WAH - Deland, WAH-Rochester and WAH - Tenn. seriously, wow, This is what you call fair????

    FAIR GAME really, wake up NY Frontier employees.

    You can give us a fair contract but you are able to post position 30 at Rochester and 20 in Deland and who knows how many in TENN. Sweet Glad to see Frontier is growing and revenue coming in.

    The saddest part is revenue is in Frontier's pocket but now ours. This is some Shit!

  69. Five(?) years ago they stopped the 401K match & froze the management pensions. So if "rumor has it" is correct, that means the company is going to negotiate with what they took away -the 401K match, to take something else away -the pension.

  70. The 401K just ends up tying us closer to the company. The 401K's are listed as assets every time she makes another buy-before you know it we'll have another Global crossing situation on our hands. Forget it! Keep pensions as is. I would love to be able to get my 401K funds and take them to an investor of my own choice. This company NEVER gives anything without trying to take something else. It won't happen this time. A 3% match will only last as long as one contract period anyway. Don't get fooled by this crap again.

  71. NO to anything that touches our pension other than increasing it!!!!

  72. 3% match sounds nice, right? Sure, until you realize this is EXACTLY what they did when they took away retiree medical benefits. They offered the 3% match to your 401K to offset the cost. That lasted 1 contract if I recall correctly and it was GONE! Like "rumor has it" says, don't give up something guaranteed (your pension) for something that is a gamble. The 3% is a gamble on 2 different levels. First, you are gambling on the market. Second, you are gambling on the Companies word that the 3% match will be there long enough to be of any value. Are either of these gambles you are willing to take? Not me! STAY AWAY FROM THE KOOL AID!

  73. WAH REP THATS NOT DRINKING KOOL AIDNovember 5, 2010 at 8:19 PM

    So we get an e-mail today that in the "spirit of the holidays" the company is paying out commissions in the 1st paycheck in December instead of the 2nd one. The only thing is most of us don't even make commission. So I guess Deland will love that because all the sales calls get routed to them anyway. The repair and collections calls NY WAH gets don't pay much. How about you really do something "in the spirit of the holidays" and give us a fair contract? And maybe some of the money back that was taken from us.

  74. News flash!- Leona Helmsley has been reincarnated and is now inhabiting the human body of a woman that is CEO of a telecommunications company based in Stamford, CT. Not easily disposed of, corporate zombies of the Helmsley ilk can be known to make horrific business decisions and act as if it is crucial to gather as much monetary wealth as possible to remain animated. They are known to treat employees like dirt, looking upon them as nothing more than annoying gnats. The only recourse against this type of zombie is complete banishment from the corporation, causing an interruption of the flow of money, which is the creature's "life blood". They are known to be enraged by employee shows of strength and unity and it could easily begin to feast upon its handlers and henchmen.

    Do NOT feed the corporate zombie!

  75. they are aligning us with management, their pension is frozen, they don;t get the day after thanksgiving etc.......

  76. Touch my pension I vote NO. Don't give me a decent wage I vote NO. Increase medical over the 19% we pay now I vote NO. Management negotiators are you getting the idea? We are not gonna take the crap you throw at us this time around. We haven't even begun to fight...we are in this for the long haul. Want it to end? Give us a decent contract. Game Over.

  77. Enough with the "drinking the Kool-Aid" - First you can't compare the company with the tradegy that happened at Jonestown, Guyana. Jim Jones does not work for them. Each side, the union leadership and the company , both present their side and want you to believe them. It is up to the individual to choose who is most truthful and what will be more beneficial. All I can say is choose wisely.

  78. Management is back!! Go start your own blog someplace.

    We will choose wisely this time- we will choose not to DRINK TO KOOL AID and we will choose to strike if the contract isn't fair. We know what has been UNFAIRLY taken from us. The company has a PROVEN track record of LYING to the employees. We are smart enough to know who to believe.

    Go get your jollies elsewhere, management plant. We're really not interested in what you think.

  79. This is to Anonymous Nov 8th at 1116am. First off, You appear to have added some pretty potent drugs to YOUR Kool-Aid!! On a serious note, Nobody here is heaping humor on the Guyana Tragedy with Jim Jones. The Kool-Aid, in this case, is the Company's "normal propaganda"-- You know, "You have it pretty good Here, look around". Or "Look at the layoffs for Yellow Fright". SAVE YOUR PROPAGANDA FOR SOMEONE WHO IS AS GULLIBLE AS YOU ARE. 363 Members HAVE ALREADY CHOSEN WISELY, THEY BELIEVE THEIR UNION LEADERSHIP, NOT THE GREEDY, ARROGANT, LYING AND EVIL SLT OF THIS COMPANY!!! Get Your Worthless MANAGEMENT REAR-END OFF THIS BLOG AND STAY OFF!!!

  80. To the anonymous post at 11:16 am..."choose wisely". I plan on choosing wisely.I have been here for 15 yrs and I can honestly say its gotten worse every year that goes by. I am standing with the union. The company will NEVER have your back. They may say they will but they won't.

  81. when it comes to truth, the company can not be trusted.....their track record speaks for itself....furlough, employee survey everyone is thrown in together so the results come out good instead of by department....... etc.... but dont tell me that there isnt any union/management steak dinners going on during negotiations......

  82. wow.. I didnt realize this blog was only for the members that think alike. I do apologize. I was just trying to let the members know that not all union fights end well. And no im not a member of corp. Im a 10 year proud paying member of 363. however that doesnt mean I will always agree with the masses. I would hope more people here would welcome and want more independant thinkings. Also to the person who called me a jackass.. calling..really?? Nice one. and to anonymous 11:16..thank you!! I too am tired of all this kool aid rederic. hers to hoping for the best but preparing for the worse.

  83. If you've only been around for 15 years then you have only seen union fights not go so well because, in the past, the union membership did not support fighting for a decent contract. We all believed too much of the garbage from corporate and were afraid. That's just not the case now. Call it Kool-Aid, call it rhetoric, call it lies- because that is what management is throwing at us. Think whatever way you like because in the end you will benefit when the union fights this one out and gets a better contract than we've had in my 20+ years here.

  84. I am the poster of the 11:16 message and can assure you I AM a union member and will support the union position. I DO NOT like the referance to "drinking the kool aid" as I stated the tradegy happened, not only suicides but there was quite a number of murders also. By choose wisely I meant not to accept EITHER side at face value but have all the facts when making a decision. "Go get your jollies elsewhere, management plant. We're really not interested in what you think.""Get Your Worthless MANAGEMENT REAR-END OFF THIS BLOG AND STAY OFF!!!" you talk about sticking together and you head right for insults- nice- really want to walk a picket line with you!

    to the 8th 8:41 poster " I would hope more people here would welcome and want more independant thinkings. Also to the person who called me a jackass.. calling..really?? Nice one. and to anonymous 11:16..thank you!! I too am tired of all this kool aid rederic. hers to hoping for the best but preparing for the worse." - Its nice to see someone on the same page.

  85. Yea if you have any indepent thought right away your "management" - democracy is alive everywhere but this blog

  86. Fed Up with FrontierNovember 9, 2010 at 10:13 PM

    I will always vote with the union. I can trust the union to be honest with me. Management does not know the meaning of honest. They have lied too many times. The list is endless and everyone knows about them. This blog has given us our voice back and has kept us all informed. This was a great idea by the union. I also love the idea of putting signs in front of our house.

  87. I'm fairly sure some that are sitting comfortably and attacking union members here wouldn't think of being uncomfortable and walk a picket line when the time comes. No-you will benefit from other loyal union members and sit cozy. No problem i don't walk to walk a picket line with you either. it's you people that got us to where we are now- trying to reverse years of complacency. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid and choke on it. You're probably just waiting for a supervisor position to open anyway.

  88. If you get bent over an analogy then maybe you're too unintelligent to really understand where attitudes like yours have put us. Waffles are for breakfast. You people love the union when it gets you what you want and hate it when it does what it has to do to get you those things. Go to Stamford and sing "Kumbaya" with management. It sounds like you are more management than union with your attitudes. Your so-called independent thoughts are the subtle rhetoric of management-types. Keep trying to plant the seeds of doubt here and you will continue to be shot down. We all know your type-hanging out with your supervisor and dissing the union. There's way too many of you and-again-you are the reason we are in this position.

    The union is giving us the facts plain as day. The company wants to hike the medical premiums and not give raises accordingly. If you are content to have money taken from you year after year, be lied to about why the furlough was needed and watch as other employees receive bonuses while you get none then you do nothing to contribute to the union cause of NOT having this happen any longer.

    If you are a union member then I am embarrassed as hell. I really hope you are a management plant because I'd hate to think I work in an office with you.

    To the rest of us fighting for what's right for us- DON'T DRINK THE KOOL-AID!!!!!!!

  89. "By choose wisely I meant not to accept EITHER side at face value but have all the facts when making a decision."

    OK, we KNOW we can't believe management from that fiasco last year. Why don't you, as a "loyal union member" tell us why we can't take our union representation at face value.

    You obviously have some information you aren't sharing with your brothers and sisters. It's been prove that we can't trust Stamford. Why don't you go ahead and tell us what your reasoning is for not taking our reps at face value. If you believe in what you stated so much let us in on what your issue is with the union's face value?

    Our negotiators are fighting for what we want and don't want. We want our health premiums held, we want a raise, we want the day after Thanksgiving off, we want Sunday premiums kept, we want more NY jobs.

    So let us in on why exactly we can't take what our union representation says at face value. You are supporting independent thinking so give us the facts and info we need to NOT take the union at face value. You have a forum right here to let us all know.

  90. I have been at the union meetings and I hear what our reps are asking for why shouldn't I believe them? what do u know that we don't? nothing I bet. I know what the company said last year and that was a bunch of lies so I don't believe anything they say. our reps say they are fighting for what we asked for. why would anyone think they aren't?

  91. To the Management Sympathizer, Nov 9th at 5:51pm, Read the Response on Nov 10th at 6:26am. Now, Triple that intensity. Now You have My reply!! Wake up and smell the Coffee Moron!! There is PLENTY of Independent thinking going on Here- check out older Blog posts. As a Loyal, 100% committed Union Member, Our reps have NO REASON to lie to Us, Cheat Us, or misrepresent Us-- the better the Members do, The More Union Dues go into the Local, which we ALL benefit from!! How's that for "independent thinking". The Propaganda You're trying to pass off as "Independent thinking" is nothing more than re-hashed Management lies and spin. Now, in closing, What possible reasons would the COMPANY have to lie to Us?? How about GREED?? The better We do, the LESS THEY HAVE. If You think the Company is Justified in how They treat Their Employees, go apply for a Management Job!! I'd rather have One less Member Sympathetic to Management, trying to bring Us down anyways.

  92. To the management plants on this BLOG do us all a favor and keep the B.S. to yourself. This Blog is a tool that was set up by our union to give us a voice. When management uses this against us by commenting and pretending to be union members its just like the furlough lies all over again. Another example of how the company lies and will do whatever they want regardless of the impact on their loyal employees. Another way for Bobby C and the rest of Maggie's lap dogs to tell us we are overpaid and beat us down. Enough of the management garbage. WE SEE THROUGHT IT AND GET MADDER EVERY TIME. I think managments time would be better spent coming up with serious offers for a fair contract or preparing to cover our jobs while we walk! United Behind 363...No Kool Aid For Me!

  93. Did the contract get extended? I see nothing this morning--I am sure our dedicated team is working to get us a excellent contract and I know they are tired and we appreciate all their efforts. Just wondered if I will be working without a contract today?--what happens if it is not extended? Do we walk?

  94. To "No Kool Aid For Me"-- WELL SAID, and I agree. I cannot believe that ANY UNION MEMBER would doubt Our Bargaining Committee's Loyalty and HONESTY towards the Members. After all, MOST of the Bargaining Committee also pays Union Dues!! I've been to countless Union Meetings in My MANY, MANY Years at C&U/Contel/GTE/Citizens Telecom/Citizens Communications, and (to Our detriment), FRONTIER. I can honestly say that John, Tom, Gil, and Our newly-elected 363 E-Board are 100% in Our corner. Before electing the New E-Board, Our reps have not always had the backing of the older E-Board (which had "Management Sympathizers on it). Now We have a 363 E-Board loaded with 100% committed UNION GUYS- and It shows!! BOTTOM LINE: If a BLOG Post SMELLS like PUTRID Stench, It's most likely either a Management Plant, or a disgruntled Union Member "in bed with Management". I view both type exactly the same, trying to bring down the Middle Class and SELFISHLY HURTING THEIR CO-WORKERS. Every Member may not always agree WITH EVERY SINGLE POST Here. However, FOR THE GOOD OF THE UNION (Yes People, this means EVERY ONE OF US!!), We MUST STICK TOGETHER and IGNORE the posts trying to DIVIDE US!!

  95. As soon as I said anything, I become a management plant, sympathisor, etc etc etc. Ive Learned one thing that is to keep my opinion to myself- not that I expressed an opionion. Currently I don;t know what the offers are so I can;t comment one way or the other, and am also sure the negotiating team is doing their best for us members. I Was/am also sure that management has lied/misrepresnted for example furlough, etc. All I was stateing is that I don;t care for the Kool-aid language as remember when it happened and also knew indirectly someone involved. I also will not be lead blindly down ANY road.

  96. oh and i especially like the "moron" title.

  97. "Anonymous said...
    oh and i especially like the "moron" title.
    November 11, 2010 1:06 PM"


  98. If you had been going to the union meetings you would know exactly what the company is asking us to swallow. All of the information was given to us. If you can't get to the meetings ask your steward for the information.

    The union is NOT leading anyone blindly down any road. We have been given all the information. If you feel you are being "blindly lead" then you need to get informed like the rest of the membership.

    Turn down the sensitivity dial. Someone I know jumped off a cliff and committed suicide. I don't freak out every time someone says "go jump off a cliff". Give this whole "I'm offended" thing a rest. You're acting like a child and it's not going to stop anyone from saying...


  99. Fellow Brothers and Sisters: Here is a Company-Generated Post in "Frontier Chatter"-- which is a PSC Monthly Newsletter. I thought this would be a perfect subject for Us to comment on Here, since It's a RARE INDIVIDUAL that feels comfortable giving Their TRUE OPINION about how They feel about working at Frontier, when ASKED BY A MEMBER OF MANAGEMENT (as was happening Nov 11th in the Sherburne Center).

    And I Quote, verbatim:

    "Keeping & attracting more customers- sounds difficult to achieve, right? In reality it is not- it requires each of us to take ownership of the product- in the workplace we must make sure that every order is handled as if it were for a family member. Outside the workplace we must be good stewards for the company- explaining the values of our service along with our commitment to our community"

    Comment away Brothers and Sisters, Keep it clean. But, otherwise, no holds barred. Let's give this Company's Management Team what they SAY THEY WANT: THE TRUTH, no sugar coating allowed. To 363's Negotiating Committee: 4:30am?? Wow, You folks have My ultimate respect and Admiration. We have Your back.

  100. I worked for the company for 25 years and it has always been the same, except now it is worse than ever. I am so glad that I got to retire under GTE and not Frontier/Citizens, or whatever it is called now. Keep up the good fight.

  101. "Values, Integrity, Respect" are all words that management throws around but have no idea what they mean. They have ZERO commitment to the community because they live in non-Frontier areas and open call centers in non-Frontier areas. Face it we work for total frauds that lie and cheat and laugh about it all the way to the bank. They do NOT have OUR RESPECT because they have not EARNED it.

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