UNIT 12 - Candidates Nominated For Unit Office
Chairman ** - Shelley Brockert
Vice Chair ** - Select One (1)
Eric Dillenback
Nancy Harden
Kathy Kalesa
Recorder - Janet Tyler
Executive Committee - Select Four (4)
Kathy Howell
Ed Ruby
Phyliss Santangelo
Troy Thomas
Elections will be held Thursday June 9, 2011
7:00am to 7:00pm @ Johnstown Holiday Inn
** When elected as Chairman and Vice Chair they are also elected as the Unit's Bargaining Committee .
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A Calling to all my Work at Home Co workers. It is time for us to be heard loud and clear at the table. Kathy Kalesa will be a great addition to Shelley.
I would be very proud to represent us all athe the table and daily. Please vote for me!! Lets be heard. We can do this together we will make it happen.
ReplyDeleteOh and to my Sherburne friends, I promise not to order everyone (if I win) at the table bugers and no fries!!!
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank Shelley for everything you do for us. It is your passion and your dedication to all of us that keeps us going. You might think that at times you are standing alone but just so you know the members here in Jtown have your back. We know you have Harrimans total support
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work and remember if they screw with you they have to deal with all of us
United we stand. Divided we fall
I am proud to say I have you as my chairman
The proof is in these past nominations. We want no one but you
Your members Love you for everything you do for us
If we can put a team together like Shelley, Kathy at the table that woukd be good for all of us in the unit 12 VOTE THAT TEAM IN FOR THE GOOD OF THE TEAM!!!
ReplyDeleteI thank you Pinetree for your kind words and would like to wish all the candidates good luck in the election. United We Stand!
ReplyDeleteVote Kalesa
ReplyDeleteJust get a good contract kathy kalesa
ReplyDeleteVote Eric Dillenback a vote for Eric is a vote for all of us.....
ReplyDeleteWe need all of WAH to Vote Brockert/Kalesa they have our backs and need all of our support. Please vote June 9th.
ReplyDeleteBrockert/Dillenback have your back
ReplyDeleteI wish we could have all three as our vice chairman. But we cant, so what we all need to do is look and ask ourselves what type of person will help the majority of the members out the best during these times.
ReplyDeleteWe have three that all bring a huge positive to the table, but which positive will help out the majority.
I am voting for Nancy Harden because she has the knowledge of the past and the company seems to respect her
C-om Tech
E Ethical D Dyanmic
ReplyDeleteR Reliable I Improvement
I Intelligent L Loyal
C Creative L Leader
E Eager
N Notable
B Beneficial
A Able
C Confidence
K Keen and Kick ASS
Ok WAH I need your support for this one you all know I address all our issues everytime so I need all of you to turn out and vote for me so I can go to the table and fight face to face with the company for a better contract in 2012.. any concerns just call me. But please vote June9 for me thanks Kathy
ReplyDeleterespect is good but great support and contract at the table is better,, vote for Kalesa/Brockert for the best choice in 2012
ReplyDeleteOh Baby, we have a contest here going on in Johnstown. We have three very good candidates, Lets see if we can get some answers from the candidates.
ReplyDeletePlease tell us what your three top issues are>
The answers come from the membership, the key is PROPOSALS you send them we take them to the table you tell us what is wanted. We then take them and fight for them at the table, But I feel it is all what the membership wants from us. What are your top issues, that is why I want to be elected. I dont need to stand for anything but you!!
ReplyDeleteThat is really not a good question on the issues we all have different issues inside and out we need a well rounded person to take all our issues to the table. VOTE KALESA
ReplyDeleteIt would also be the main topic in my eyes in addition to the proposals would be for us all classifications MONEY/MEDICAL/AND JOB SECURITY FOR OUR AREA.
ReplyDeleteCurious to know....my 3 most major concerns would be
ReplyDelete1.Medical we must keep medical at 20% with the unknown of todays economy very large concern for all of us.
2.Job security and Growth in this area. We see postings for Sherburne and Middletown we need more postings in Johnstown area.
3. Wages we need fair wages. 2% raise is not acceptable especially when we have our senior leaders giving themselves a 77% pay increase.
We need OUR WAH to be paid fair hourly wage instead of the PFP.
These would be the top 3 concerns I would like the opportunity to address and possibly change as your representative at 2012 negotiations.
First I would like to say it has been an honor to serve with Shelley for the last few years. She REALLY fights for the membership. I am glad she will be there for the next three years and the next negotiations. She will give Bobby C a run for his money!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above posts. The three top goals for negotiations are:
1) Keep medical at 20%. Until all Frontier 13 units participate in medical costs ours does NOT rise.
2) JOBS!!! Make a NOC and CO trainee position. These are jobs that the company restricts access to. These jobs CAN be learned. The NOC jobs should be filled by our union members first. The company can hire their specialists off the street!!
Give us off-line jobs. History proves we do it better!!! We need jobs to "grow" to....there are no avenues to other jobs.
Drafters--this is one area where we could hire more. There is no way that two drafters do the work for ALL of the engineers in the three areas. Lets give the engineers the time to do their job better and get them out of our work. They should be view only in the drafting systems. Lets take back the work---post more drafter jobs to "grow" to
3) MONEY!!! As was mentioned above....2% is unacceptable!!!
MONEY---they got it!!! WE WANT IT!!!
I think these are priorities for the next negotiations. No matter who wins, these should be brought to the table....and fought hard for....I know Shelley will fight...just remains to see who the membership sends with her.
Thank you for over 20 years of being involved at the front table for the union. I respect whatever the membership resolves with their votes. Thank you for your consideration for me on June 9.
Thank you!! Nancy Harden
Good Luck to all Johnstown Vice Chair candidates. My vote will be for Nancy Harden. We need her experience and dedication at negotiations.
ReplyDeleteUnited We Stand!
Great key issues we need to focus on things we can change, Wages increases, Insurance % and Job security, are the main concerns. We need to have someone with proven investment and concerns, someone that is willing to step up and is a proven affect for all of us, someone that will repsent all of us at the table. Vote for what you know to be proven facts, not with the unknown not so sure. Vote Brocket/Kalesa dont throw a vote away!! June 9th United We Stand, for all!!
ReplyDeleteLets Remember Who We select as Vice Chair Will Be At Bargaining
ReplyDeleteEric Dillenback - Who is he ? What does He Know? Give us some Info Eric. Why should we vote for you?
Nancy Harden - Who is she? What does she know? Give us some info Nancy. Why should we vote for you?
Kathy Kalesa - Who is she? What does she know? Give us some info Kathy. Why should we vote for you?
I would expext all three to send us their resume or what they stand for.
If Not why should we vote for them ??
While I have been well represented by our vice chair and our current team, I feel Eric Dillenback represents a fresh perspective in our represenration. Eric is intelligent and hard working, with a strong work and moral ethic. He is well respected by his work group and all who have worked with him. He has been involved in Union/Company issues and knows first hand how it feels to be there and what needs to be done to achieve resolution. Eric Dillenbabk has my support for vice chair.
ReplyDeletePlease understand it is NOT a Brockert/Kalesa ballot or a Brockert/Dillenback or Harden ballot. Shelley is running unopposed therefore she is unofficially re-elected already. We are a Union of not just Reps & Techs. There are many many "support" positions that pay their dues too.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
All I can say is that i have witnessed first hand the results and the fight in one individual. She did this as an executive committee person. Can you imagine what she will do for all of us. She played a huge role in getting 20 more jobs to our area. Thank you Kathy kalesa
ReplyDeleteMy Vote as well as all of ours should go to
I do have a facebook page set up with more information about myself and a way to have more input please visit kalesa363 on facebook or feel free to contact me email or call me anytime
ReplyDeleteEric Dillenback will provide a strong voice at the bargaining table. We need inside and outside representation. Time for change lets shake it up a little. Shelley Brockert as our Chairman and Eric Dillenback as our Vice Chairman will be a hard duo to beat. United WE Stand! Brockert and Dillenback
ReplyDeleteResponse to Harrison Street Fan.
ReplyDeleteI do agree with you, Eric is a very very strong candidate. Under normal conditions i would vote for him.
But after speaking and attending alot union meetings and members. It is evident that Kathy Kalesa is known amongst the higher up in the company due to her conversations with Cecilia Mckenney, Catherine and joyce over many issues with WAH. With her strong committment and Shelleys strong desire the both opf them were able to get WAH jobs here in Johnstown.
Can you imagine what they would be able to do at the bargaining table together.
In closing i want to make it clear that i think Eric would be able to do the same, but we already seen it happen with kalesa and brockert
I still see NO response to " Curious to Know's" posting on May 19th at 7:36pm.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping this will be adreesed by the candidates
To the Com Tech that wants to know... If you want to know about Kalesa, you should attend a union meeting she is there every meeting and does not miss a beat... and if you were to any of the meetings when they were closing the center she held the Slt to task as she does at union meeting as well. Seeing Kathy work is all you need to know. She would be great at the table against Bobby C. I will vote for her on just what I have seen..
ReplyDeleteIt is not just all about WAH. I need to hear that if we have any opportunity to bring business positions back to Johnstown we welcome them. We still have the knowledge to do the offline positions better than the other areas do. Lets grow our unit in all departments.
ReplyDeleteI realize the Vice Chair is not only about the WAH, however, I have always said we are one no matter what job you hold at Frontier.. We all need to be involved all the time, sometimes we cant but I am willing to pick up your slack. If you let me know. Everyone that knows me know I say if you dont like what the Company is doing get involved as well as if you dont like what the Union is doing get involved. As we are ONE IN THE SAME.. we are the Company employees and Union members.
ReplyDeleteJoin me to make it Great for us ALL!!!!
Vote for me June 9th
I would like to speak to other classifications The MOA in the current contract for 911 and the Directory dept I would fight to get that languange back into the contract, as well as the NOC jobs to preserve them and keep them in the Johnstown area as well, there are alot of things we can all do and get done as one if we work together I will become more involved in the outside issues as well, you need to let me know what your issues are now to you I did dispatch for 5 years so I would work with that process for the techs in the fields, I would like to see the dept Service Order control come back so the techs can just do their jobs and not have to make calls to the customers daily for every call you make that is time away from another job that could be closer to being cleared. I do understand there are issues in all departments and i am ready and willing to listen and take them on, when I am elected!!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the previous post about seeing what Kathy kalesa has done in the past. I see her at the meetings and hear her holding the company and the union both accountable. She is not a push over like others have been in the past. I am not a WAH rep I work on Harrison St but I am hearing great things about Kathy Kalesa I intend to vote Kalesa. Others should start thinking about voting for her too. She will represent all departments well.
ReplyDeleteThank you time for a change.. I do intend to do my best for all of us. We all need a voice and a path no matter who, but I can say a vote for me will ensure my best for us all! Vote for Kathy Kalesa June 9th..
ReplyDeleteThis comment is to Eric Dillenback, Kathy Kalesa and Nancy harden.
ReplyDeletePlease take a look at my May 19th 7:36pm Posting
I would believe the members and I here in Johnstown would like to see you answer this post.
If you want our vote!!!!!
One more question ??
ReplyDeleteWhat do the three Vice Chair Candidates propose to get more members involved?????
To the Curious to Know... I believe I did respond to your questions, I also have a facebook page Kalesa363 for more information you are welcome to contact me as well, if you have any concerns. I beleive the Vice Chair spot should take the members issues and concerns on daily not just at the table..the table is is the spot to fight for all our issues, fight for the changes in the current contract we all would like to see and fight for the jobs to stay here and get more to come, try to maintain the health insurance % to remain at a level we all can live with, esp knowing of the money the SLT gave to themselfes.. and that would go as well for a pay increase for us all, a bit more then the crumbs they threw to us last time. As far as getting members involved, anyone that knows me knows I always ask the question, the answer to the one is and will remain with the members, I have and will say We are the Union, we cant complain about them cause they are us!! We all need to step up and attend the meetings to get the company to realize we are United and want things changed. AS few cant dont that, so the way to get members involved is that they must realize that it starts with them. It is very easy to sit home or at work and not become involved and ask what are they doing for me.. Well, I dont miss a meeting and I feel I get my dues out of Harriman and I push the Company for the thing to make it a better place to work. So I guess we should expect more at the meetings then.. Its a great place to start. We cant take on your issues if we dont know they are out there. I hope this answers your questions, if not reach out to me and I will give more.
ReplyDeleteThank you Kathy Kalesa !!!
ReplyDeleteYour answers were very good and sounds like they come from the heart .
I wish you the very best of luck.
Keep your eye here i will have other questions soon !
As the election day draws near, I hope you are giving careful consideration of your vote. I would like the vote to be for myself, we need to consider who will fight for all our causes, in every department,through out the Unit 12 group and send that person to the table for all of us. Pkease consider me on June 9 as you cast that vote!! Vote Kathy Kalesa Thank You!!