Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Oct 18th Update

Today both sides were able to agree to a Cell Phone Policy and Temporary Employees.

The following items were discussed today:

1. Standby
2. Beahrevement
3. Holidays: Easter & Good Friday
4. Boot Allowance for Com Techs
5. BuckStrap & Safety Jacket
6. Performance Bonce Com Techs
7. Meals & Lodging
8. Company Sponsored School Per Diem
9. Uniforms - Com Techs


  1. SHOULD BE AN OUTSIDE PERSONOctober 18, 2016 at 11:27 PM




    I SEE ALL OUTSIDE ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  2. I would think anyone can afford to pay 37 dollars for boots.

    Especially when you make 35 an hour

    1. Please tell me where you can buy good quality boots that last longer than 2 weeks for 37 dollars. Oh the walmart? Techs are required to wear uniforms and boots are part of said uniform. I'm sure if your dept was required to wear uniforms you'd be crying for a bigger allowance too. Like I said before, stop attacking the union and support your BROTHERS AND SISTERS.

  3. Omg seriously this is what was discussed. What happened with the other department are we not that important. Oh wait I just remember collections is the last 2 minutes of negotiations.
    An angry collector

    1. A Upset Inside MemberOctober 19, 2016 at 7:30 AM

      Hey Anonymous

      Sit back and look at how many techs and former techs are at the table. Look at them do they really need more meal money. They already get their shoes paid for. Maybe we can all agree once they have to work the day after thanksgiving. Give us a break. You say Omaha. We say selfish

  4. What about everyone inside?

  5. where is collection issues!!! hello??????

  6. boot allowance are you kidding me... while us newbies are making 14 something and being called in for what we are wearing on a daily they are worried about boot allowance. what is wrong with this company... does anyone ever think a happy employee will put out more work and the correct work better. all of us pissed off employees are nsing those orders not caring bc well no one else cares!! good job frontier your customers hate you and are switching and your employees hate you and don't even have your services!! nice work. keep on keeping on because you are ruining this company slowly!!!!!

  7. Sherburne assignment when are we all taking a sick day together lets show them we are not to be messed with anymore!!!! we are a team yes but the Sherburne team goes above and beyond for this company and gets crapped on!! lets show them how important we all are!!!

  8. Can we discuss real issues please. Like decent raises for collections.

  9. BOOT ALLOWANCE?.. SAFETY JACKET?.. UNIFORMS?.. Can we negotiate some IMPORTANT issues here in Collections? Why do we always get the scraps that are left over during the last 2 minutes of negotiations. Can we discuss PAY RAISES,IBEW MEDICAL, NO OCCURRENCE WHILE USING A SICK DAY!

  10. Instead of attacking the union for fighting for ALL union members, focus that frustration on the company that is trying to screw you over. And as for the "newbies" making 14 dollars an hour and getting called in for dress code, try following the dress code policy and wear clothes that cover all your goods and you wouldn't be getting in trouble. And 14 dollars an hour is alot better than nothing so quit your complaining or let someone else take your job and your 14 dollars an hour.

    1. 14 and hour doing the same job as others.. we will complain for aslong as it takes until the issue is resolved!!!!!!

    2. "And 14 dollars an hour is alot better than nothing..." Okay, Management wannabee... I'll improve My lot in life at Lowes, or Walmart, or McDonalds... Big BAD Frontier, pathetic.

    3. We all started at that. You don't max out at 14 you work your way up to your 17. I agree equal work equal pay but no reason to attack the union on this they are trying.

    4. The tier III's start at 13 and max out at 15....not fair. If we maxed out at 20+ like everyone else it would be different

  11. I am in for a sick day Sherburne...just say when! any one else?? we need for them to see that we here in Sherburne do the bulk of the work! an National company...are you KIDDING me??

    1. I'm all for a group sick day! Omaha!

    2. Would never work. Too many people that are all talk and no action. Look at how much the Omaha chant has died down recently. Everyone is good at whining, few actually follow through with action. That's what gives the supervisors ability to run this day care facility

  12. OMG are you really talking about the BS above ... WELL lets talk about Shurburn/Middletown ... We need shoes for our kids and money to help pay the high premiums for medical and paid time off to be sick with out being afraid and we do not want to be the last thing you discuss in this negotiation as you have done in past contracts in the last few hours . We have taken this crap long enough we are just as valued as the precious techs are and worth way more than we are being paid . So Please Please Please Make us a priority for once ! ...... SMH ......

  13. When will the economics proposals happen? Why is that being held until last? It seems to me that should have one of the very first things to be discussed. We are tired of doing so much work for unfair wages! If we are expected to keep bailing everyone else out because they can't handle their own work on top of our own, we deserve to be paid just as well if not better than the other centers. A lot of us will not continue to work for $14/hour. This is a slap in the face for the work we do for this company and the time we sacrifice with our families to do this mandatory overtime

  14. The bargaining team spent over a month on issues important to the "inside members", they bring up three issues that pertain to just the outside techs and for some reason, some people are mad. This union is made up of many job classifications, so there are many issues that need to be discussed. But go ahead and lets start arguing amongst our selves about who is better and who deserves what, that will really show the company how united we are. There is nothing that the company likes more than to divide the members, which plays well in their hand. So, lets see what the bargaining team comes back with before we engage in a civil war within the membership and stand united to win a good contract for everyone in the union.

  15. How are we supposed to stay united when the Company divides us? The outside employees get raises and treated like gold while inside employees get treated and paid like crap. We've had enough of being treated unfairly. It's time for equal pay raises across the board. Enough of mgt saying we're overpaid. FTR - try living on this salary. We all work hard.

  16. How are we supposed to stay united when the Company divides us? The outside employees get raises and treated like gold while inside employees get treated and paid like crap. We've had enough of being treated unfairly. It's time for equal pay raises across the board. Enough of mgt saying we're overpaid. FTR - try living on this salary. We all work hard.

  17. Really !!!!!!!! Why are you wasting time on meal money and boots , freaking boots and uniforms who cares we are sick and tired of hearing boo hoo about nonsense, this is the topic for every contract ,how about the real issues for NY Collections/Sherburne reps we are so tired of being last and getting the least attention at the table .. How about you change it up and make us your 1st priority and get us a decent and livable wage/contract...... Please give us a fair chance ...

  18. When we start economic proposals we always start with our easier proposals. Also most of the proposals yesterday were for Com Techs because the company had the Outside supervisor at the table. He is not at the table today(Wednesday)

  19. The company offers you nothing, yet they have billions to spend on acquisitions. They think that you deserve nothing, that they can do without you. Tell your representatives that they don't deserve a franchise for video. Stop volunteering for the cat team to make them look good. Stop being an idiot, get ready to strike and let's see how they fare without us!

  20. This blog is not about dividing the members. This blog is about stating facts. In the amount of years I have been a part of this union has proven who gets discuss first. Perhaps moving forward the union should alternate who will be discuss. I think is fair if the union agrees moving forward. We all are in this for a fair contract and I mean FAIR TO ALL. I know that proposal don't all get approved and that is understanding. But as a union we shall only agree when it is fair for all. So if there are members upset they have a right to be upset. If we are brothers and sister than we shall vote only for a fair to all contract. Not every classifications had to settle for lump sum. We all work hard deserve a raise and reasonable benefits. Pretty sure we will be happy with medical benefits from the union. Indiana members have union medical benefits and so can we. So my brothers and sisters please speak. We need to be heard.

    Your favorite angry collector

  21. What are you doing besides whining to help get a fair contract? Are you showing Frontier that we are together, or divided. There are many ways you can band together to achieve this. The results are up to you, not just the bargaining team. What you get to vote on, and how YOU vote, will ultimately be your future.

  22. Our negotiation team is fighting for EVERY member in this local evenly. Not one more than the other. If you have questions or don't understand how things work then ask. Don't assume. We need to stick together and stop bickering amongst ourselves. Stop hiding behind "anonymous" if you have a statement to make stand behind it and put your name. We need to show the company that we deserve a better contract and that we are not afraid of them. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you want and deserve. We are all one team. Let's stand together brothers and sisters!!

  23. Don't flip people, this is a long process. Other issues will be discussed. Stay united. Stay supportive. Solidarity. Omaha!!

  24. Remember, Inside employees in Gloversville, Sherburne, and Middletown... the vast voting majority is with US.

  25. OK let's all calm down ! Hank is right. FTR can not see this going on. I would hope that our guys outside understand our position as collections reps and assignors, that we have not had a decent contract in the past and that we are truely feeling the economic stress of having to choose what we can afford to buy in the grocery store .We just want what is fair and decent no more and no less. We want to be able to sleep at night without fear that if we call out sick that we won't get suspended because we called out 1x too many. We need to not take our frustration out on each other but instead show this company we will get what is deserved we will stand united and we will not back down we need our techs to stand with us and we with them so as always ....Stand Strong,Stand Together,S stand as One... :-) And may the Force be with us .

  26. It is unfortunate that a few people seem to be blaming techs for contract issues or that some of our concerns don't matter. I work outside and if you are questioning why something is important to us I can explain why it is to me. That being said, I also worked in Sherburne for a couple of years and I have many friends and family who still do. I fully support the issues of those inside whether it is having to work the day after thanksgiving or pay raises/unfair pay scales or whatever your issues may be. That is the way this works... we all stick together to get the things we all need. As for collections I don't know all of your specific concerns but you have representatives you voted to be there for you at the table just like we do up here. We should be supporting them and then when they bring back a contract, vote to show the company what we think of it. If we don't unite then we all lose. If we argue and bicker over petty things like what order issues are bargained then we all lose. I am an outside tech and I have your back just like you have mine. Lets work together and remember we all have the final say...the members are the ones who vote yea or nay.

  27. Hey hey hey. Where's Toys R Us.

    Probably eating with his new boots and more meal money

    1. Little Pete Side KickOctober 20, 2016 at 8:53 AM

      Yes Sir

      He now can eat 3 Big Macs, Fries and a Apple pie

      Maybe even shine his new boots they don't get dirty

  28. The cost of living in the Middletown area is too high for what we get paid for. We need a cost of living increase. How are we expected to survive on 13$

  29. Well said, Amy B and Aaron W. I can't overstate the importance of sticking together all the way through this process. The Company will stop at nothing to divide Us, that is the ONLY way that "They" can prevail. We have a very large voting body across all three units, and- when the time comes, We can ALL "speak" with one, loud voice, at the voting table Patience and calm are needed, along with strong unity. We can do this folks.

  30. All- I fully support our bargaining team and I feel that most of our members do not understand how the bargaining process works. I would be happy to answer any question that any one has about that.

    We do need to stick together to have a positive outcome.

    The bargaining team is only as strong as its supporters are. Let get behind them and aupport them. Wear you IBEW stuff on mondays. Stand up at 10:30am and shout OMAHA!!!! Ask questions if you don't know.

    I have been at the bargaining table. All language proposals are bargained first. Changes proposed by both the Company and The Union to language in any article where there has been issues in the past. This is all VERY IMPORTANT and takes the most time to bargain.

    After the majority of language proposals get resolves, then the Economic issues are discissed. This would be anything that would have an economic impact on the Company or the members. This is not just wages and benefits. There are lots of items that fall u see economics.

    Let's stand together and support our bargaining team!!!! Only together can we prevail!!! OMAHA!!!!!!!!

  31. Thank you for clearing that up Cindy.

  32. Let's not forget IP TV is on its way out to our customers.
    Vantage TV is the next big thing for frontier

    1. Let's also not forget, frontier has a declining customer base, straight to TWC who, by most accounts, treat Their customers- inside and outside alike, well.

    2. TWC is one of the most hated companies in America and I have been told by many people that their customer service is terrible!

    3. One of My good friends and former co-worker has been with twc since I first worked with Him (1996) and has always had excellent customer service, techs are punctual too. I prefer to have family and friends switch to ftr but- whenever I get them to port their svc, the ball is dropped in our call centers, every time. That is, NON-UNION centers (Deland).

  33. We are all like family..lets stand together. All members, all dept deserve a fair contract. I believe in our team to get what we need. We need to show our support. OMAHA....363.....
