Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Monday, October 24, 2016


DATE              TIME               FUNCTION                                    LOCATION

NOV 1               6:00PM          NORWICH UNION MTG           SHERBURNE UNION OFFICE

NOV 7                                      BARGAINING                             HARRIMAN  OFFICE

NOV 7              7:00PM          MIDDLETOWN UNION MTG     HARRIMAN OFFICE

NOV 8                                      BARGAINING                             HARRIMAN OFFICE

NOV 10            6:00PM           JOHNSTOWN UNION MTG       HOLIDAY INN


  1. Hey Hey Hey

    Cant Wait till here Toys R Us Chump tell us how great he is doing

    more meals
    more shoes

    like he needs all that

    come on maybe he will show his face before hand

    1. Show Me Your A GentlemanOctober 25, 2016 at 2:29 PM

      But I hear he is a gentleman

  2. The rumor is bye bye building tech and possibly dispatch or directory

    1. why would this come up during contract? Please! Stop being a bully and get with reality. Where would the work go? Our center is the only center that can handle NY. I would like to see other centers do half the work we do. Right now we are holding the hands of WV and SP so they can get their work done. Don't think that your little post is going to scare any of us. Management goes bye bye before union members do. :)

  3. Little Birdie in the BldgOctober 25, 2016 at 6:32 PM

    Hey Hey Hey

    I heard a little birdie say that the big guy

    Toys R Us Chump will be voting Hillary

    Way To Go.

    We Love you Big Guy

  4. All this name calling is very immature and does not look good. We are all supposed to be adults. Why would the company take us seriously when grown adults are attacking each other and calling each other names. Sound like you all need to grow up!

  5. Great job walking with signs on breaks and lunches Sherburne! I hope more people will come out and join us. I know it's cold, but it's only for a few minutes. Plan it with the people around you to maximize the amount of people outside at the same time. Let's keep it up to show the company that we are sticking together and we demand a change!!! OMAHA!!!

    1. Yes, I agree. I'm seeing more and more members join in. As I tell many members, a movement like this is much like a turbine engine- starts a bit slow, but- once it becomes fully functional,it's UNSTOPPABLE. I'm noticing smiles, waves, and horns as cars pass the Classic St Frontier location. In Today's times of voter disgust with Corporate America's billions of profits and peanuts to the middle class, We've got the ear of the public. Poetic justice, I say.

  6. You are all making me proud! Way to go Sherburne !! You guys ROCK👍🏻👏🏻

  7. Bulldog: when I bite I don't let goOctober 26, 2016 at 7:06 PM

    Stick together. Don't drink the kool aid offered by anonymous company agitators. They learn these tactics in business school. When you listen to decisive comments that drive us apart, they win. In the confusion they will offer you a pittance which you may feel compelled to accept. DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING LESS THAN WHAT WE ARE OWED FOR WHAT WE DO EVERY DAY TO KEEP THIS COMPANY AFLOAT. We may need to walk the walk to show them this reality. OMAHA!

  8. Friday is RED day! Let's show our solidarity.

