Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year to All !!
May 2013 bring happiness and joy to all !! 
Together we all can make our future brighter !!!!!

January Union Meetings are a combined Meeting/Holiday Dinner
Norwich - Tuesday January 2
Johnstown - Thursday January 10
Middletown - Thursday January  24


  1. I personally would like to wish everyone and their families a Happy and Joyful New Year.

    Together we can make things happen this year. At each of our January Union meetings we are celebrating the Holiday Season with a dinner. Please come and show your unity and get involved to make sure this year is the year we begin to making sure our future is brighter.

    Happy New Year !!!

  2. Kathy Kalesa- Vice Chair -Unit 12January 1, 2013 at 11:26 AM

    Thank You Gil!! Together we Will make it happen!! Happy New Year to all!!

  3. let's keep sick time usage at 10 minute increments... the company is already paranoid at the strong possibility of increased sick time usage. Maybe We should add language to the contract Statewide.

  4. Lets get this horse moving!

  5. Thanks to all Who attended last evening's Norwich Unit# 43 Meeting. There was a great turnout and many issues were discussed with possible solutions. Thanks to Gil for a nice Holiday Dinner & thanks to Cindy for ordering a nice variety of delicious Italian Cuisine!! A good time was had by all and looking forward to the next meeting.

  6. when does negotiations start again?

    1. We are scheduled to meet again the week of January 14. We conclude Thursday January 17. Hopefully we will start economics during this week

      We will put daily updates after each day. Stay strong and focused.

      United we stand. Divided we will fall

  7. Happy New Year to everyone ! We should all make our new year resolution that we will band together and make sure we stand together to achieve our highest goals

    If the customer is happy and the company is happy we all will be happy

    Lets make sure the trifecta of customer, company and union members are happy this year

  8. Thank You Shelly for everything you did.

    Good Luck Kathy, all of us in Johnstown have faith in you.

    1. I know you are full of energy and have everyone's interest at heart. Please remember to make sure that we look at the whole picture not just the quick fix

      We are behind you Kathy. Good luck

    2. We will be back at the table next week. Keep up the good work we know t,his bargain team has our backs. Look at the members from each area, strong union members who want to get the best for all while not putting the unit at risk


    3. Happy Here in Middletown.

  9. A big group here in Middletown

    Next week consider this

    1. Anything to keep medical as is or lower
    2. Vacations as we did in past or as per desires in each area
    3. Collections on equal level as Sherburne and Johnstown schedule E.

  10. Kathy Kalesa-Chairman Unit 12January 8, 2013 at 2:36 PM

    I would like to say to the 363 membership, I will do my best as the Chairman of the Unit 12, however, this is not something I can do myself. We will need to work together as a collective unit to acheive the things we need to do. We can not fix or correct things if we dont know what is going on. We all must NOT make our own deals, and stand together for the contract that we all vote to be what we want the company and ourselves to live by. It is very important to the unity of this group to attend our meetings to express and let me know what we all need to work on. Looking forward to working with you all. Thank you for your faith in me. Lets remain UNITED and make it happen for all of us!


  12. Only a six hour commute!

  13. Good luck this week team!!!!!

  14. Good Luck and stay STRONG!

  15. ,, another productive day nothing to update the membership with

  16. In response to the anonymous Poster of Jan 14th at 11:10pm: BE PATIENT! Do You want the best, fairest contract for all?? Or, do You simply want something to vote on?? Instant Gratification is great in the short term, but always generates complaints in the long term. Let's support Our Negotiations Team strongly and stay united, it matters!!
