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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mike Pallay - For Unit 4 Vice Chair

Mike Pallay-  for Unit 4 Vice Chair

I have worked for Frontier for 13 years.  I started in Collections where I worked for 1 year then I transferred outside.  I have been actively involved in the union for over 8 years.  I have previously held the position of Unit 4  Recorder for 4 years & currently I am on the e-board, a position I have held for the past 4 years.  I feel that having this experience will help me with the everyday challenges that being Vice Chair brings. I am here to make a change!  I want us all to be united not divided as "inside & outside".  We are all under the same contract & should all be treated equal. There are a lot of issues that need to be addressed both with the outside techs and inside the call center- Being that I don't work in the call center I feel it will be beneficial to have someone represent the collections reps when needed, knowing that I will not be "influenced" by call center management. Running for Vice Chair isn't just about being there during contract time but it is a long term commitment including attending meetings as well as being available when fellow brothers & sisters need help. This position is not something that goes away after we leave the bargaining table. The Vice Chair is an extremely important position and needs to be held by an experienced and dependable individual that will always be available when called upon. Please take the time to vote for me on June 20th 2012 and elect me to be your new Unit 4 Vice Chair.

Thank You,

 Mike Pallay

Communications Technician PBX/Special Circuits


  1. A Veteran Collection RepMay 29, 2012 at 10:40 PM


    Very Impressive. I like the idea of someone from outside the group representing us. Especially one that has collection backgound.

    cant be intimidated

  2. I say it is indeed time for a change. Let's get Mike in there. Harry & Mike sounds like a winning team to me!

  3. Collections is certainly in need of a change! I think it is a great idea to have someone on the outside represent Collections. Vote Mike Pallay!!!

  4. Here's a fun fact-Mike has never bid on a management position...just sayin

  5. here's a fun fact Mike is the only in charge tech we have just sayin

  6. In charge is a union function per the contract and for the record the previous comment is not true as there are other in charge techs...

  7. Gotta vote for Mike....he has the most experience as a union rep and has no problem standing up to management!
