Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Won't Back Down - Gonna Stand My Ground


What we want is fair bargaining and a fair contract. That is what is important to us. Last time around did not make us feel good about our company.

This years bargaining preparation was different. This time the people came out and voiced their opinion. We have had many discussions between ourselves, many meetings and even rallies.

Our people want fair compensation and treatment.

If SOME are worth millions - we are surely worth a middleclass wage.

We give a lot to this company, we work hard and we care about this company. We just care about ourselves too and this time we aren't going to get bit.

We have our blog now to express ourselves and to discuss what our opinions and concerns are. It is empowering to people to be able to express themselves. We hear them loud and clear.

.....and they are solid and they are strong and they are determined to get that fair contract.

No........ WE won't back down.


  1. WE WON'T BACK DOWN!!! I LOVED THIS VIDEO...SOOO TRUE. We are standing together this time like we never have before. We are all behind you negotiating team.

  2. Go IBEW 363, everyone will stand with you!!!

  3. No we won't back down.

    We want a fair contract. We deserve a fair contract. We have worked for a fair contract.

    Bobby want us to work Saturdays in the retail centers....well, we agree, we need to capture the shoppers. What do you give us for that?
    We want our money back. We did not give you our money (1.2 Million) so that you could make it a prize for the 300 legacy employees. We thought we were helping you out. To save money, to keep the company going....we should have known better. You stole from us, to give to others.

    Bobby C. would it not be better for you to excuse yourself and go and get on Johnny's RV touring the midwest and handing out checks??? Can we have them "capture" you (like they did Mikey, I am sure you will enjoy playing with him) until you give us a good contract????? Maybe you can make a YouTube Video begging for release??? WONT YOU TRUST US BOBBY????

    Can't wait for next weeks news.

    Stay tough negotiation committee...we are with you.



    The world is watching!!!!!

  5. It's amazing how our "management team", and i use that term LIGHTLY, can one day look at you and tell a that you're doing a hell of a job, and no one does it better, and it's great to have people like you, and now that it's time to show us, we get a big shitburger stuffed down our throat, and no mayo to make it slide. I really hope that they see we've had enough of their bullshit, fake, phony and two-faced attempts to think that they give a half a shit about us and will give us the due we deserve. I'd love to see even half of them deal with the inadequacies that we deal on a daily basis. It's even better when a technical supv. says" you're the professional, you'll figure it out". Good excuse for, I don't have the slighest idea how to help you out!!! Someday our fearless leaders will finally realize that this union is the oil that quiets most of the squeaks in the company. We are the frontline and we will get what we deserve. Stand tall, stand proud, take no shit, but most of all, STAND AS ONE.....

  6. 8 days from tomorrow our contract EXPIRES!!!! Hoping we are making progress in the right direction!!! Updates would be appreciated...go 363 united we stand!!!

  7. Fed up with FrontierOctober 12, 2010 at 11:22 PM

    It is amazing how many hits this blog is getting. Hopefully Frontier management realizes we will not back down this time. We are willing to go to the strike vote. NY employees have been screwed too many times. We are united as never before. I wonder what would happen if this was taken to the local newspapers though out NY. How many customers would be disgusted with Frontier's "big business" mentality?

  8. Wow ed! You actually get "Great job" and a pat on the back? My supervisor doesn't even ackowledge my presence, can't even be bothered to wish me a Happy Birthday or ask me how my extremely ill mother was when she was in the hospital twice in a two week period of time. Apparently too busy talking about everyone in the department to their co-workers. And the people who THINK their exempt are not! Apparently doesn't realize co-workers can't wait to run and spread it around. Very professional!

  9. Tom Petty knows all about big business- he left MCA because he had no control over his career or music under their management. So thanks Tom for putting our feelings into words we can use to convey to management that, this time, the lies and flat out grand larceny of our money will not be tolerated.

    Frontier is healthy according to management, so they should have no issues with giving us a fair contract.

  10. I was glad to see on the union site that there was movement on both sides yesterday. That is all we want...a fair negotiation. We are not asking for the world just a fair contract. We all know that nobody wins in a strike...neither the employees nor the company. The real losers are our customers. But management be advised we are not afraid of a strike either. The old tactics of scaring us because we have heating bills and holidays to pay for won't work this time. We have nothing left to lose and if we need to strike we will. We are behind this union and united like we have never been before. GO 363 NEGOTIATING TEAM....WE ARE BEHIND YOU!

  11. Well I say give us the 401k match back!!! I am also curious if the 401K plans of the new employees from Verizon count as a "COMPANY ASSET" as our 401k was listed on the last LOAN that the company took in order to do the STOCK buyback and fund the Early Retirement BUYOUTS. Is it that the COMPANY took away the match to minimize their losses if they become delinquent on the loan and only the EMPLOYEES lose their 401k's???? If anyone wants to look this up you have to find the SEC filing that was done by the company when the loan was procured a couple of years ago!!

  12. Maggie gets the GOLD MINE WE GET THE SHAFT
    Remember they can't treat their own supervisors with respect and pay raises but hey they must love it.

    Any way there is a lot to say an dnot enough time to say it LET"S STAY STRONG AND UNITED.

    I'M 363 AND PROUD.

  13. Hey Bobby C---Are you ready?? What do you want to be for Plan "B" (formally known as the contingency plan)? An underpaid WAH? so you can experience first hand our customers dissatisfaction. An over worked Commercial Rep? Maybe a customer facin Comm Tech--don't forget that referral.

    We would love to see you out there.....bring Catherine too!!

    Let us not forget Joyce. Go Team Go!!!

    Maybe us on the "S" word and you getting your hands dirty "on the job" will bring about a fair contract!!

    A little over a week to go!1


  14. Do I work for Citizens Communications aka "Frontier" or ENRON????? Bad credit so VERIZON/spin co borrows the money, Verizon keeps the money Frontier gets "Spin co" and the DEBT. Landlines are in DECLINE so Frontier gives away FREE 2nd LINES to inflate the number of ACTIVE landlines (false perception of success to the SHAREHOLDERS) and Frontier sucks up additional SUBSIDIES(tax dollars) for these FREE lines!!! It is time for FRONTIER to start playing FAIR and ETHICAL!!! We will stand together. DON'T drink the KOOL AIDE!!!

  15. With all of the positive press regarding Frontiers financial condition and the investment it plans on making in the near future on Legacy and newly acquired properties, Frontier best treat the people doing the work fairly and with respect.

    Support Team 363

  16. Come on guys, let's offer no raises and give them everything they want. We should be happy to work for less. It allows the top tier to make more. In fact, I even volunteer to get fitted for my uniform first. Instead of my name on the shirt it will just say jackass.

    Think about it maybe next contract they can take EVEN MORE from us and add it right to their checks and bonuses! Maybe some day we can just do this for free!

    NOT ! ! ! I'm fightin this time, there is no next time.

  17. I would love to see any one of our management even try to do our jobs!!! Many of our supervisor's don't have a clue how to do the job of those they supervise!! C'mon i'll even snap pic's of them fighting to get the ladder off of a van or being afraid to take three steps up a pole on climbing hooks in a right of way!! Oh and P.S. watch out for the Rattle Snakes in the bottom of the pedestals, the mice and bugs under the trailers in the trailer parks, and if you are lucky maybe even dodging raw sewage under the trailer after looking for the "clear patch of dirt in the dog crap covered yards!! Then there are the places that you come out of and want to run for the shower!!! Your hands will get dirty. You may even catch "SCABIES" as I have twice from installing DSL in a couple of nasty places!! I DARE YOU TO TRY AND DO MY JOB!!! If there was another "game" in town that offered similar pay I'd be there!! Do yourselves a favor and give us a fair contract!! We not only do the dirty work, but risk our health and LIVES on every job we roll our truck to!!! DON'T DRINK the KOOL AIDE!!!!!

  18. Wow, We work for a VERY RICH Company!! That's GREAT NEWS!! OK Maggie, Get out Your Checkbook. We've more than Earned a FAIR Pay Raise and a better Benefit Package with LESS Employee Contribution for Health Care, RX, Dental & Vision. Remember, You promised Better, Lower Cost Insurance with the Company TRIPLING in size. Don't make Promises You can't Keep!! Norwich Rally Tomorrow Night, Let's fill Ho-Jo's and ROCK THE HOUSE!! Let's talk Strategy. We've got some Tricks" for the Company this time, Not Treats!!

  19. Cut and pasted from todays meeting: "The only information that the committee can provide is that the current proposal for benefits is not acceptable in its current form." Gee let me guess, another increase in rates that will just eat up any raise they give us.

    Also saw a news article moments ago that food prices are at a 2 year high. And did any notice the gasoline price jump in the past few days? EVERYTHING is going UP except our pay! It's pretty sick that I make too little to get by yet too much to get government assistance. This is a Fortune 500 company we work for who cant afford to pay it's employees a decent wage? Give me a freaking break! I'm sick and tired of wearing hand me downs. I'm sick and tired of my children going without because this company has ripped us off. I'm a single parent and its heartbreaking watching my children go without. It's also embarassing to watch my home practically fall down around me because I cant afford repairs. Boy that $5000.00 bonus sure would have come in handy. They should be giving us back the furlough money they took from us, give us a pay raise that isnt going to be eaten up by our medical increase and match our 401k again like they did in the past.


  20. 32 people in training many years ago only 6 of us left what does that tell you. do not drink the kool aid

  21. I am SO proud of our Brothers and Sisters - we are standing our ground..."No, we won't back down!" Hang tough at the bargaining table 363.

    Don't drink the Kool-Aide.


  22. If the company can buy the loyalty & trust from the Verizon employees, they can buy back my loyalty & trust!

  23. Sorry, I don't agree. Trust and loyalty are EARNED. This company had mine at one time and has since lost it. If they want it back, they have to start working to EARN it back. Step #1 is a fair contract and respect for their workers.
    The idea that loyalty and trust can be purchased is corporate mentality, don't drink their Kool-Aid.

    Stay United and support Team 363

  24. I would like to see Bobby C to go to WV and tell those reps that they are overpaid glorified reps....He NEVER would have made it out of the state. I have never seen so many VP's in a company that are NOT needed. Top heavy. Our union needs to take our issues to the press. Maggie is now one of Obama's "people" and he supposedly is a union supported. CALL HER ON IT!!!! Plus NY doesn't need to loose anymore jobs. I am telling you break some BALLS....GET CWA TOUGH!!!!

  25. Let's pick the right battles! Be strong like our CWA co-workers. I would love to see Bobby C go to WV and tell those reps they are overpaid glorified reps....LOL I would pay to see that. Maybe Maggies new friend Obama can help us out. He is a strong union supporter I wonder how he would feel if his administration KNEW how much FRONTIER...Maggie,Cecilia, Bobby C and all the rest of the OVERPAID jerks felt about UNIONS!!!!!! The word needs to get out on that or atleast threaten to get that word out. It is very easy to call the newspapers, tv shows, etc. That is what our WV people did!!! We are actually being laughed at because WE do not do that. BURN A TRUCK A DAY TIL WE GET OUR WAY!!!!

  26. My truck was so bad that after I drove it I had to go far tetanus shots. The one thing that counts the most is the "UNION is not a BUILDING in HARRIMAN "THE UNION IS THE PEOPLE" hard working union brothers and sisters that work every day not only for the company but for their Families. STAY STRONG UNION STRONG IBEW 363. THANK YOU OTHER LOCALS FOR YOUR LOYAL SUPPORT






    OCTOBER 15th 7:00 pm - 10:00pm

    Homewood Suites
    180 Breunig Road
    New Windsor, NY

    UNITED WE STAND !!!!!!!!!!

  28. Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    At our monthly meetings prior to bargaining begining I have stated many times that we will keep you informed and give you our personal opinion on the contract.

    Time has come for us to rally and say to the company


    This is a two way street, we were there and we responded with the help when Maggie asked for furloughs. We saved the company money. We were in it together, it is time now for the company to respond a give us a fair and respectable contract for the most dedicated and educated employees.

    Brothers and Sisters,

    Have your Voice be heard,








  29. I just love all the comments. Middletown hope you show up in droves. Let the Company know we are not playing. I dont think the managment team could handle the DSL troubles and fix the issues. Can you see one of the GM's doing our job its not like the chamber of commerce. That would be a joke. Norwich I hope you all show up tonight and keep the ball rolling. We all deserve a fair contract. You have all heard they are going to offer shit for a raise. I am sure that they will follow standard practice and want to raise our medical or reduce the amounts that thay have to cover in our benefits. Wwe all know how Frontier is more for them and less for the people who do the work.


  30. Just a FYI Guys and Gals. I just sent an e-mail to President Obama. I wanted Him to know a little about One of the People He appointed to his recently-formed "Telecommunications Advisory Committee" (Our "Esteemed" Maggie Wilderotter). I advised Him of Maggie's ANTI-UNION STANCE, gave Brief Details on the Furlough fiasco, and stated that Maggie and Her Company, Frontier Communications, is the Ultimate example of Corporate, Big Business, Greed, on the backs of Middle-Class Americans. I included the Local 363 Website and the BLOG Website. I also plan on calling the White House, to be sure My message was received, at 202/456-1111. I also plan on calling and/or e-mailing CNN and/or MSNBC, both known to be VERY PRO-UNION AND ANTI-BIG BUSINESS. I encourage all of You to do the same. The Time is ripe for taking this Nationwide, during a time when Americans are FED-UP with "Corporate America". My view is that We'd all be better off with NO LARGE CORPORATIONS. We all should be working for SMALLER BUSINESSES, those Who care about Their Workers, pay them Well,and RESPECT THEM!!!

  31. You have to be kidding me !!

    A little birdie leaked it out what the company is presenting for our medical

    21% year 1

    23% year 2

    25% year 3

    if you then take what they are offering nation wide for raises 2.5%

    I hope they kiss me first

    then stick it you know where

  32. Fed UP in MiddletownOctober 14, 2010 at 9:38 AM

    I hope someone can send this blog to the newspaper and televison people. if anyone knows anyone send it

  33. Still sick of it!

    So our benefits package proposal is not acceptable.

    Let me guess, the company wants to take more away from us!

    Enough already, you already have outside contractors working against us with your SHADY ALTERNATIVE CHANNEL promos-great idea. These people can advise the customer alot of incorrect, inaccurate information. Offer a lower price than we are allowed to give them and we are left to try and explain to the customer why!

    Just keep taking money out of our pockets.

    My tour consists of customers wanting to cancel some or all of their service. They are tired of high bills and these stupid ETF'S.
    Oh, and of course opening up tons of trouble tickets which I am expected to sell on. The customers response, "Why would I buy anything else from YOU PEOPLE when the service I have doesn't even work?" Wouldn't you agree???????

    WAKE UP! Your customers and your trained employees are the new Frontier. We want to be proud of our company and what we can do for the customer.

    This is not the time to fight against us. Please work with us.



  34. To THE ENFORCER...Thank you for The White House phone number. I made a call today and believe me the woman that took my call was very interested. She couldn't believe it when I told her the furlough story. I told her how anti-union Maggie is and our motto about Maggie "If her lips are moving she is lying". I also stated that if Maggie defends herself by saying she has unions in her company that maybe they should speak to some of the hard-working employees in those unions to see what they think of Maggie. GO 363! DON'T DRINK THE KOOL AID!

  35. Norwich will not drink the kool aid

  36. I made a disgusting discovery today: For Medical coverage only.... in 2008 deducted from my paycheck was $81.96 bi-weekly, 2009 $98.74 bi-weekly, 2010 $115.32 bi-weekly. I'm glad to have medical insurance however I shouldnt have to be broke affording it!

    I'd love to know how many of our employees are on medication for stress, axiety, ulcers, high blood pressure, drepression and whatnot due to how this company has treated us over the past few years.

    You can only keep kicking us down for just so long before we are fed up.... well guess what, WE'RE FED UP and this time around we are more UNITED than we've ever been before!

  37. A small Family owned company in Glenn NY is only having their employees contribute $28.00 per week for medical insurance!! So how is it that the MIGHTY FRONTIER cannot get better rates negotiated???

  38. Hey Bobby C.....How do you like our blog?

  39. 21% 23% AND 25%!! Are you kidding me!! Bobby C and others where did you ever get the idea that you should offer such garbage! Rates keep going up and our pay has not moved! We need to stop this now...we have earned the right to better pay and lower rates. Maggie and her followers would not have all the VP's, RV trips and let us not forget commuting from Stanford to Deland and now from coast to coast as needed. This could not happen w/out the money WE the UNION employees have made for them!

    Don't drink the Kool-Aide!

    United WE Stand!

  40. Hey Frontier....why don't you live up to Maggie's words and treat us with the respect we deserve? We stuck by the company last year (we took the furlough, gave up 1/2 of our performance pay, gave up a raise, etc) because you said thats what was needed. We feel like we were duped when the company announced the Verizon acquisition the very next day! Time to step up and make things right! Give us a fair contract because that is all we expect and that is all we will accept this time. Make no mistake, we are fed up and standing together! Go Big Blue!

  41. did some say "burn a truck a day til we get our way"??? guess who started that catch phrase??? none other then Jim Currie, that was when he was sitting on the RIGHT side of the table!!!!

  42. Maggie on Undercover Boss. That was the punch line. Stand proud y'all 363.

  43. All union brothers and sisters need to stick together....theres people out there that still believe that their supervisor is their friend. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! Don't believe them....they WILL try to divide us.....let'em know we aren't drinking the kool-aid!

  44. The local Frontier employees have always taken care of my needs as a customer. I can't believe how the Frontier has treated them....I'm dissapointed. The employees are always helping out and volunteering (in Frontier's name) in our community. Your community and neighbors stand behind you. You deserve a fair contract. We will be watching to see how Frontier conducts itself. Good luck!

  45. Lets not just settle for trying to save what we already have. Lets stand together and get more of what we deserve. We need a raise that is not eaten up by a bigger increase in medical costs.. Lets not forget that we got a 0% raise last year.

  46. I'm sick and tired of the company managers telling us to "compare our wages to other employers in our area". Nobody does what we do! Who do they want us to compare wages to...McDonalds? How about comparing our wages with the Doctors and Lawyers in our community? Or comparing wages to Verizon....guess what, they make a better living wage than we do...and ours gets worse every year. We do a great job taking care of our customers....Maggie says so herself! So all we want is what we deserve...a FAIR contract!!!!!!!!!

  47. Our time to stand United has come. As others have said and our customers have agreed, we deserve to be treated fairly and with respect. This contract needs to be the first step in the Company showing that it is living it's own values, "treat each other with respect". I have yet yo see any sign of that from senior leadership.

    Stay United, support team 363.

  48. GREAT RALLY last Evening at The Norwich Ho-Jo's. We have a energetic Bargaining TEAM Who's Prepared to be in It for the LONG HAUL. Bobby C and Company Senior Leadership: You're POWERLESS to Trample over Us this time. You might as well Meet Our Demands NOW, to allow Your Managers the time required to win back Customers Who are Supporting The REAL WORKERS in the Company- CRAFT EMPLOYEES!!! How Many Customers can I Personally reach regarding Your treatment of Union Employees?? Watch and find out. I've already contacted President Obama. Next will be Congressman Arcuri (running for re-election) and/or Rep Kirsten Gillibrand and/or Sen. Chuck Schumer. How about Cable News- CNN and/or MSNBC?? What about Our local Newspaper- "The Evening Sun"?? If The Company's Management (And, Yes, that includes "local" Management in Johnstown, Middletown and Sherburne) continues to harass and attempt to DIVIDE My Brothers and Sisters, I PROMISE to do ALL OF THE ABOVE. And, I WILL Reach Our INVESTORS as well. If You Folks intend on Slinging MUD, I can also do that- and I will. Do NOT Tempt Me. You'll be sorry!!

  49. We tell our supervisors all we are getting all day every day is repair and messes we have to clean up from other reps. They tell us "every call is an opportunity". Well here is your opportunity...every day at the bargaining table is an opportunity. Offer Offer Offer...thats what we hear...Management if you can talk the talk then you better walk the walk! Offer Offer Offer and give us a fair contract!

  50. Hey Bobby C, the average American Male lifespan is 75.2 years, So how many do you have left before you will need the services of UNION MEMBERS to care for you???? RN's, LPN's, Nurses Assistants, and other health care providers are UNION!!! Will you be able to reflect and proudly tell these people caring for you that you did your best to SCREW the IBEW and CWA Union Members and their families???? Bet you'll receive great care!! Time is a precious commodity that nobody can get more of, so how is your life defined Bobby C, Cecilia, etc...???? Money is a human thing! It was not created by God and to GOD, no matter what religion you are, God doesn't care how much you have or have not made in your lifetime!!! How you lived your life and treated others is what is important!! So what will you say to God??

  51. For those call center folks who attended the Assumptive Selling Training class. We all heard the same pre-recorded conversation that stated: "the customers sign our paychecks." That 70% of revenue for this company is from its call center reps.

    Then Maggie's own mission statements says: Strive to keep & retain great employees.


  52. Expanding on the "Anonymous" Blog above, discussing Our Creator (The "Creator of Creators), GOD and His Son, Jesus Christ. What "Corporate America" is doing Today is the work of Lucifer, Satan. We all were created EQUAL in the Eyes of God. Love of Money is the Root of ALL EVIL. Our Money Supply Today is only whatever "Value" One gives It. My Point, to Maggie, Bobby C, Cecilia, and any other Senior Management Member that has extreme Contempt for the Union Employees, is this: When You all face "Judgement Day"-- You will be judged based on How Well Or, (in this Company's case), how You MISTREATED Your fellow Human Beings. In The Bible, there is a PROMISE made by God that says "Whatsoever a Man sows, He shall also Reap". Pretty Sobering, Huh?? Think About It Company Management. Union Employees are among the most LOYAL AND CARING People You'll find. Can You say the same for the Management Teams- Senior, Middle and Local?? NO!! It's Vindictiveness, Backstabbing and Harassment!! All Satan-like Behavior.

  53. Ed.....I could not have said it better. I can ask 3 different supervisors an important question about a process on 3 different days and get 3 different answers. We receive so many emails that processes have changed back and fourth that no one has a clue. The company makes the rules as they go.We are definitely on our own, trying to figure out amazing, exhausting messes, and to do the right thing.

    To you the Enforcer...OMG...way to go. You sound like the right individual to get the ball rolling. The integrity or should I say lack of, with this company with it's history and track record is embarrassing. Good job!!!!

    As for the $30 an hr and $45 per hr with ot I was told Verizon reps are making, all I can say is I want my fair share. I am down to base pay $16 lousy dollars per hour and no commission. What a way to show dedicated employees how much they are appreciated. Oh and don't forget, I am now doing my job incorrectly if I cannot make sales anymore after being a top sales rep year after year after year. Give me a friggin break!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    We will not accept anymore BS. We will not agree to less, only more. We are all sick of it!

    So glad the world is watching how this will unfold.



  54. hey catherine.....we heard your shoulders arent so broad :-)

  55. Bobby C. whats the discussion around your dinner table this weekend??? how you are screwing honest hard working people out of a decent wage and raising their insurance premiums??? you are a low-life!!!

  56. From previous comments it looks like we all sticking together. This is something we must continue to do!

  57. Anytime she goes on a tv show someone HAS to follow up with a link to this blog. We have to present our side of things and counter this fake "I'm so wonderful" routine she's pulling.

    Also- if the company is no longer contributing to the 401K can't we take them and have them managed elsewhere? If enough people took their 401K accounts elsewhere she wouldn't be able to list them as assets any longer.

  58. Middletown...the ball is in your court!! The company will be watching while you gather right in front of them!!! Right at the very hotel that they are bargaining at!!! Let them see we are united and standing behind the bargaining committee.

    Wear your blue.....carry your up in record numbers. We in the other areas will be watching.....and so will the company.

    Bobby C.....will you be there or will you be running to the nearest restaurant to whine and dine your team?? Show Indiana Bob how it is done...stand like a man and see our united union team gather together!!

    Middletown don't let us down......we will have a long memory!


  59. We all need to stand together and be Strong, Middletown Collections, Bilingual Group and Tech we need to be united Monday. Be prepare to show Frontier that we are the solid rock for them to succeed. With out NYS Frontier employees, Frontier would not be where they are now!!!!!! We need to show them We are the Boss NOW

  60. Hey Bobby C and Cecilia,

    We are going to stay strong and hold your feet to the fire.

    We will not be thrown out with the bath water like some of us have been and some of us are in the process of being thrown on the curbside.

    I will fight for what i believe in and I WILL FIGHT and I WILL NOT BACK DOWN. I hope to land on top,

  61. First off, I had a lengthy and detailed Discussion with a VERY INTERESTED Young Lady, taking calls on the White House "Comment Line". I discussed Our Company's CEO, the ANTI-UNION Stance that the Company's Senior Management Team holds. I also discussed the Furlough Fiasco in great detail, the $5000 Bonus to WV Workers Who are doing NEXT TO NOTHING to help out with the Conversion/Transition. Oh, at the Norwich Rally on Thursday, It was stated that approximately 7,500 Customers in WV ported out Their Services to the Competition. Hey, Bobby C, Why is that?? Next, I'm sending a BIG THANK YOU to the Anonymous Post above, dated Oct 13th at 10:05am. My 401k is pretty good-sized now and I Take the Information in that post VERY SERIOUSLY. I intend to contact Sen Schumer and Rep Arcuri's Offices with this Information- to have this looked into. I smell another ENRON. If I find out that this Company has "Mortgaged" My future Retirement Security- I'm rolling My 401k account into a personal IRA and I'd urge EVERYONE to do the same. How disgustingly EVIL is that-- if True. I'm a Fair Guy and, despite this Company's Behavior being consistent with putting Their Employee's Retirement Accounts "on the line', I'm going to say "Innocent until proven Guilty. Unlike this Company's Management attitude towards Craft Employees-- "GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT".

  62. United In MiddletownOctober 16, 2010 at 5:09 PM

    Brothers and Sisters in the North and Central seem to be standing strong on this blog but you also need to stay strong when it comes time to vote! Don't back down! None of us can afford to vote Yes for another crappy contract and we need you to vote it down if it sucks. We invite you to come down to the rally this Monday night. If our bargaining team can travel to each area to show their solidarity then so can the rest of us. Please stay strong till the end. Don't back down!

  63. Our furlough was based on a projected loss, not even a realized loss. Now that all the news and Company hype is how wonderfully the Company is doing and projecting they will be doing, it's time for turn about. The Company needs to recognize and reward it's loyal and hard working New York employees. We showed our loyalty by accepting the furlough when we were told it would mean saving jobs and saving the Company money in economically uncertain times. The economy of this Company, if senior leaderships compensation packages are any indication, is pretty healthy. If this Company is going to grow and thrive, which is ultimately what we all want, it's going to have the people to actually DO the work. That would be us, and all we ask in return is a FAIR contract that shows us some respect.
    Support team 363, don't drink the Kool Aid!

  64. Middletown we are with you. I hope you ROCK THE HOUSE on Monday night at your rally! Team 363 good luck with negotiations this week. We are behind you!

  65. so we just got paid yesterday and between the medical insurance, and the rest of the company's deductions i already don't have have enough to get thru two weeks. Sad

  66. As a member of the bargaining committee I just want to say how proud I am of all of the 363 members throughout the state for being so united. And I want to give a special thanks to the leaders from CWA and the other IBEW locals that came to the table as our special guests. We all need each other and we won't forget the support you gave to us. United we stand!

  67. The commitment, trust, and loyalty that I used to have for this company is totaly gone! Gone just like the $20,000 from paycheck. FRONTIER STOLE IT! I am a damn good rep that has been hear for almost 15 years and now I make $20,000 less per year and do TRIPLE the amount of work. I am ready to stand united no matter what it takes!

  68. Hello Brothers and Sisters. Just a FYI. I sent another E-Mail to President Obama, asking Someone from His Administration to look into the Possibility of Shady and Illegal use of the fully Employee-funded 401K Retirement Fund as "Security/Collateral" for Loan(s) to fund The Stock Buyback and Early Retirement Buyout. This has the "STENCH" OF ENRON. I included the Company's NYS Employer ID#. If this proves to be Untrue, then I've been Thorough and My 401k is safer and I sleep better. HOWEVER, If this allegation is TRUE, then I say "Throw the book" at this Company's "Senior LEADERLESS Team". If that means "Cleaning House" at the Top, then so be it. I had considered sending this information to Sen Schumer, or House Reps Gillibrand and/or Arcuri. However, ALL are up for Re-Election and ALL are in tough fights against the GOP. Stay Tuned. I already have Paperwork lined up to roll My 401k OUT OF the Company's 401k "Savings Plan" and into One of My Personal IRA's. GO TEAM 363!! Like a Majority of Local 363 Members, I'm United and in this for the LONG HAUL. WE WON'T BE DENIED!!! I have a Bag of "Tricks" in store for this Company if They don't do "the right thing"!!!

  69. Just wanted to write in and show my support. My family members have read the comments on this blog and can understand why our brothers and sisters are outraged. Now my whole family has a negative attitude toward Frontier.

  70. Middletown start getting fired up! Please everyone make arrangments to attend the rally! Enough is enough! It is time for us to stand together united for what we deserve. It always seems we always have to sacrifice! IT IS TIME FOR US NOT TO GIVE IN!!!

  71. I am asking everyone stay strong and focus. A birdie told us that CWA Burnsville is the contingency plan. If we are organizes I hope John and Ricky from CWA 1170 puts the call and put an end to it.

    Cecilia good luck in Naples if I was you id stay home. no one wants to hear your garbage

  72. when I started working for the company it was not to bad. They made you kinda happy to work for them. And you did not mind telling people where you worked. Now I do not tell people where I work and I am not happy with the way this company treats the customers and the people that work for them. Frontier you NOW are just trying to give us more cuts on plans but what you should give us is not much! For what we do for you. Give a fair contract to start. Better do it now before you know it Frontier you will be a Day late and Dollar short if you keep this crap up.

  73. pissed off NY WAH REP (damn good one too)October 17, 2010 at 11:40 AM

    hmmmmm..... Maybe Frontier's own value and mission statement should be read before each session. So we can show the company how we are not "treated with respect". Let all the other call centers lie to our customers, to inflate the numbers for Wall St. 363 will stand proud, and continue to do an honest days work, and treat the customer with the respect they deserve. All the while SLT lies lies lies. To have a super tell me to roll the price of this and that into one price point, that will show differently on the bill. They cause their own churn, and soon the Saves Dept will have more reps then the call center. Transition on a repair call? For what: to get laughed at in the face? Hey Robbins, you once said Sherbourn generated millions a year from repair calls, bet you wish now you didn't downsize! You got rid of all those talented reps, for what to save a few dollars? I guess you never senvisioned the loss of revenue too? So much for that college degree. Its a shame, Frontier has run off the NY employees just like they have ran off all the customers. Maggie may now have a voice in DC, but will she be heard above our voices, I think not. Celcelia, nice to see you too have taken the "Lie to your Employees" class, that was at Frontier University, correct? Maybe SLT needs to review the Code of Conduct? Just a thought!

  74. GO Team 363, thanx for everyone's support!


  76. Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    I am writing to all of you tonight to join me. Lets take a step back and look in the mirror and reflect on the past. If we all ask ourselves are we better off today than yesterday. Most of us due to the economic times will say yes, we have a job. But in reality we are not, we have become complacent with the system and the company. We fell asleep at the wheel and just went in a cruise control mode. We need to wake up and fight for what is ours, we will admit that we didnt want to upset the apple cart and didnt take care of ourselves. We let the company take advantage of us. During this process someone new came in and is stealing what we love. OUR JOBS. Lets start fresh today and re group and reclaim our work and our future.

    We need to start with this contract and let the company know that with out us they are lost. They can try all they can to make Deland their favorite, but we all know who makes the company shine. US RIGHT HERE IN NY.

    Everyone stand tall stand proud and stand United. United we will regain our self respect and get back what is ours.


    Here are a list of people who we need to let know. ENOUGH IS A ENOUGH. Either you start standing up and protecting our work or we will make sure you drown with us.


    Us in NY would probally be best served with Sue Holden in charge. Someone who only has NY reps to supervise.

    Decuyke, trade in your frequent flyer miles and start taking care of the people who made you shine.

    We all know the Kool Aid is bad, but what we dont know is how critical is decuykes actions and words. Some say if her mouth is moving, she is lying. She must of got that trait from Cecilia McKenney.

    Hope to see another rally up here in the Norwich area.

    Lets see what Vegas is saying:

    Right now if there was a contract vote.

    What the company has offered.

    Yes - 74

    No - 400


    an old fashioned union strike is coming your way !!

    To the CWA in Burnsville, Dont even think about coming east.

    You can be next !!!

    To Our bargaining team, stay strong we have your back!!

  77. WHAT TIME IS IT !!!!!!



    MONDAY OCTOBER 18th 7:00pm Homewood Suites






    Wear your union colors !!!!

  78. Go IBEW and CWA!!! Stand together!!! We have the upper hand this time and unity will get us a fair contract! I will VOTE NO to anything but a fair and honest contract!!

  79. This country is becoming ripe for revolution, taxes are out of control, government and big business have been in bed together for way too long! People are fed up with politicians, greedy corporations, the stock market, the economy, and that is merely the beginning. The majority of the population is working class. There are more of us than there are of those of you on top; Maggie, Cecilia, Bobby! WE WILL STAND TOGETHER and have the support of our brothers, sisters, and fellow working class AMERICANS! The entrenched politicians are nervous and you should be too! WE THE PEOPLE have had ENOUGH!!

  80. A soon-to-be ex-frontier customerOctober 17, 2010 at 8:51 PM

    Boy, have i been waiting for a chance to unleash my fury on this company. I was talking to my neighbor the other day. he's a town councilman for new berlin. i always knew frontier workers were the most helpful and professional people to deal with. that all changed when they moved all of the customer service jobs to florida. now, i hope and pray to reach a ny employee when i call. if i don't, i keep calling back until i get one. i always just assumed frontier jobs were good ones. but, after reading the comments on this blog, i would never work for frontier, no matter the salary. those jobs pay decently, given the area- but, there's nothing to compare "apples to apples" with. the jobs in sherburne can't be compared to any other jobs in this area. my husband works for nyseg in a comparable job to what's in sherburne and he, after two years, is earning over $60,000 in oneonta ny, hardly a high wage area, cost of living is quite reasonable. you people (frontier's management) should be ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!! you shouldn't be disrespecting and hassling these fine, exceptional ny employees!!! remember, unhappy ny employees mean VERY UNHAPPY NY CUSTOMERS. your competition (time warner) is just salivating over this and is ready to steal some more of your loyal, long term customers. and, the more of your customers they steal, the more of your LOYAL, TALENTED, AND EXPERIENCED EMPLOYEES they can steal!! we (your ny customers) are watching this blog very closely. i'm going to share this blog address with the new berlin town board- as they would be interested to hear how frontier is treating "our own" employees.

  81. A Yahoo Finance PostingOctober 17, 2010 at 8:54 PM

    Re: Frontier Bargaining 15-Oct-10 11:34 am

    As an investor it is true that I may personally not be too concerned how a company treats it's employees. However, as a smart investor I will be paying attention when Labor issues may be afoot. Labor issues can directly result in losses of revenue due to employee slow downs which may create a backlog of pending work, a deterioration of assets due to the bare minimum being done by employees, or even an all out Strike!! If experienced employees choose to leave and new inexperienced blood is brought in, this can impact the level of service and revenues as well. Let's face it we are invested in a technology driven industry and experience matters. So in closing although I may not personally be concerned with Frontier's work environment, I am concerned with my money and the level of risk involved with my investments, so I am watching and I am sure that the Institutional investors are watching as well.

  82. A Yahoo Finance PostingOctober 17, 2010 at 8:57 PM

    Re: Frontier Bargaining 17-Oct-10 06:36 pm

    This bargaining thing, is a time to bargain from strength.
    If I recall NY extended the the contract to help FTR through the time frame of the VZ deal, to free the company up for fighting for the deal's approval. Now that the deal is over will the company remember who help them out? Or is it a time for the company to say that NY area sent employees to work in the new states acquired by FTR for some time and that and if FTR could do without these people for so long in their home areas then why does FTR need them in those areas?
    Sometime when you help business out you cut your own union throat.
    Will these areas get contracts that will expire the same time as the new areas or will FTR play one union against the other? How can you have some people getting paid more than others doing the same kind of jobs? These are new legacy problems that the new Frontier now has. The trouble is that the old areas of FTR have been dragged into this new Frontier bargaining. The current shape of the new Frontier has many defects in it, experienced labor is one. How do you retain experienced people while trying to cut labor costs. FTR is more labor intensive now that they have these new areas. They also have new areas where they can export those NY center jobs. This gives FTR bargaining power, NY gave up their bargaining power with the contract extension, I would hope that the unions received something for that move. Or maybe FTR will compensate those employees now. Then again one has to remember that FTR promised the new areas that they were going to bring jobs into those areas to get approval from those states.
    I think in NY you call this Three-card Monte, so now how do you play?

  83. A Yahoo Finance PostingOctober 17, 2010 at 8:58 PM

    Re: Frontier Bargaining 15-Oct-10 09:32 pm

    You haven't been reading what CEO'S have been walking away with. You haven't been reading what the ratio of worker to mgr pay rose to. Tell me where the problem lays.

  84. A Yahoo Finance PostingOctober 17, 2010 at 9:04 PM

    This Is The Place 12-Oct-10 11:59 am

    Yes it is true that Frontier Communications, has started contract negations with IBEW Local 363, and I wish the union members all the best in getting what they deserve in the way of compensation. However, this board is the place to take Pot Shots at the company or Maggie. There has already been a a few shots posted. The union has established a blog for information and is available to the public, and is open to posting your thoughts. We have just gone through a whole year of Frontier Bashing, can we just concentrate on and enjoy this event.

  85. A Yahoo Finance PostingOctober 17, 2010 at 9:06 PM

    Frontier Bargaining 10-Oct-10 10:16 pm

    It has to be pretty bad for loyal employees to start a blog. They are tired of giving and giving.

    They gave back 1,2 million dollars last year in furloughs to help the company out on anticipated losses. To find out the day after they agreed that Frontier acquired Verizon properties.

    Look at

  86. A Yahoo Finance PostingOctober 17, 2010 at 9:07 PM

    Re: Frontier Bargaining 11-Oct-10 06:35 am

    CEO is a bit unbalanced. It's no surprise this is happening. paranoia is starting to infiltrate the company policies. A company can't be a success with this much Nixon-esk personality running it.

  87. A Norwich Employee and Union ProudOctober 17, 2010 at 9:18 PM

    TO A soon-to-be ex-frontier customer or any other interested party, politicians and/or newspapers,

    If you need a contact person to speak to feel free to contact our union rep that handles the Norwich / Sherburne Area and I believe the rest of NY State.

    Gil Heim


    Tom Schaaff

    All of us middle class workers need to stand up and fight. The greedy rich are looking to finally get rid of the middle class.

  88. Good luck this week at the table Team 363! - Middletown brothers and sisters show them tomorrow night at your rally what we are all about!

    To Pine Tree - You are right we have gone soft.
    I personally have NEVER voted yes for a contract and it doesn't look like it going to happen this time either.

    Stand tall, stand proud and STAND UNITED!

  89. Lol burnsville is the contingency plan? Ur joking right? No one can fill in for NY employees!!! We rock and always have!!!! I think we need to do a strike vote gil!!!!!!! Just to show the company we r serious!!!! Enough is enough!!!!! Let's go 363 !!!!!!!


  91. I feel so foolish. I can't believe I ever thought that Catherine cared about us. We have made her shine for years....and now what to we get for it. Money stollen right out of our paychecks. I am sure Catherine has seen a $20,000 decrease in her paycheck! The workforce in NY were always able to run a great company till Maggie had her great ideas. Deland is running this company right into the ground! I agree with many other people on the blog, I used to be proud to say where I worked. Now I am afraid to say it in public since there is so much bad talk going on about Frontier.

  92. This week is back to back bargaining. Stay united and support our negotiating team, they are the ones fighting so we can get our fair share. We want a fair contract and respect for what we each do every day, no more lip service! A fair contrace and a reasonable wage are not too much to ask,
    Don't drink the Kool Aid!
    Stay United and support team 363


    Let's burn a truck a day till we get our way..

    The trucks are in such sad shape don't think they well even burn

  94. Lets face facts here, the increase in the cost of living over the lasts years is killing us. How does frontier think that we pay for our gas to get to and from work to go above and beyond for our employers. If we do not get a fair wage increase they will lose employees and without us they will lose customers. We are on the front line, not them. We make things happen we either sell products, install products or help save products. Without Miss Maggie and her team is nothing. United we stand Divided We Fall

  95. My Brothers and Sisters, Lets not forget what United means we need to stick together and work as one. We need to stay United, Respect one another and stand STRONG with our UNION.

  96. We need to realize that this negotiation is not about the company is about what is right for us. We gave and gave to show our loyalty to this company. Remember what did we get in return .........I am of today nothing. It is time to show we mean business....enough is enough

  97. Awesome turn out at the Middletown Rally....Everyone is UNITED and will stick together as one....

  98. pissed off in middletownOctober 18, 2010 at 10:35 PM

    well i knew it was going to be a rough road for the negotiating team this year....i commend you all for your efforts and taking the time away from your families to fight for us. I have been an employee here for almost 30 years and have heard the same BS every contract...NOT THIS TIME....from what i have seen we have given back more than we HAVE been given...time to stand strong and stay united to get what we want and need!!!

  99. I am not afraid to strike! So bring it on! I have my posterboard ready!!! I am sick and tired of working @ maggies farm!!!! Thanks sam for pointing out some important things @ the rally tonight! you do have a way with words!!!! I will do what i need to do to get what we need!!! STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE

  100. *****Can we afford to give anymore than we already have given? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Lets be creative! What can we do to show the company we mean business>> STAND UNITED! I am sick of giving and giving and getting nothing in return! Thank you to our bargaining team! Stay strong and remember--DO NOT DRINK THE KOOL AID! I am sick and tired of cleaning up messes from other call centers and doing work that 3 people should be doing! The company needs to get off their high horse and give the NY employees what they need and deserve! *****Blog it up IBEW 363! BLOW UP THE BLOG AND LET IT RIP!!!!

  101. I am ready to strike! I will do what i need to do!!!! so BRING IT ON!

  102. Great turn out tonite !!!! Keep up the good work team.... its time we stick together and not let Frontier push us around anymore.. we worked without a raise and extended our contract for the last year for what ?????? so they could spend all the money on Verizon properties !!! DONT TAKE IT ANYMORE !! STAND UNITED NOW !!!!!

  103. How much of a raise did upper management get???? we would be happy to take 1/2 of that !!! Maggies bonus is more than we make.. and we should not have to live like this anymore !!! we need to be treated fair.. please help yourself and STAND TOGETHER !!!!!

  104. I would like to give this company something to ponder. We are loyal employees and we have always given when asked. We help our customers and often go above and beyond. Our friends, family and neighbors know us and know where we work and in many cases stay loyal frontier customers because of us. How many of us on our own time answer questions or talk about frontiers products when asked by someone at a family gathering or a school function? How many of our friends and family would still be loyal Frontier customers if they knew how we are treated and what this company has done to us? Think about it.

  105. If they can give 50% to the United Way,
    Why not my 401K?

    GO 363!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  106. You think we are fools ..........October 19, 2010 at 6:42 AM

    Dumping Grounds said..................... Sure Sure Sure make all the changes now that you want Frontier, because the Union already made theirs and they are in place. We will not be the dumping grounds for your precious Deland. We are tired and done of fixing their mess. Maggie, you really think "Universal Rep is the Key". For starters, what don't you admit your theory failed and FAILED BAD. You continue to push this theory which will continue to fail. Face it Maggie your theory does not work and it wont work. Stop spending so much time being televised and take the time to see what your TRUE workers ARE DOING for this company. Oh I just remember Middletown is not one of you hottest spots. You see to it not to come there when you visit OC. Maggie open your eyes, you can be a great business woman but in order to be respected as a great business woman it also takes to admit that some of your theory did not work. Step up Maggie and tell us Universal Reps does not work!

  107. I want some of maggies stock options!! If upper management gets "free" stock every year we should too!!!! I'm tired and really pissed off @ the company so...ill go to work and do my job but if we don't get a fair contract u better believe more signs will have sticks on them and ill start taping them to my car!!!!!

  108. Brothers and Sisters, just a FYI. I just sent an E-Mail to Jim Cramer at CNBC, regarding His Oct 8th segment with Mary Agnes "Maggie" Wilderotter. I informed Mr Cramer of Our Contract Negotiations going on Now, and that there are two Distinctively different sides to Ms Wilderotter. The "Public" side and the REAL side. I gave Mr Cramer Our Blog Address and, if He has Questions on the status of Contract Talks, I included Gil's Citlink E-Mail Address. I Urged Mr Cramer to look at Our Blog, as Investors are VERY concerned about the tenor of Negotiations. Stay tuned. More E-Mails will be sent to more TV Outlets and Newspapers too. Maybe even Publications that the Investors read- NY Times, Etc.

  109. Someone should recommend maggie for that undercover boss show!!!! Then just maybe she what real ppl do and not glorified princesses like her!!!! I use to be middle class crap I think I'm lower class now!!!


  111. What's this latest crap about universal reps??? How bout just let the reps do their jobs and fix the customers problems instead of forcing them to sell, sell, sell and drop their hourly wage and threaten to fire them when they don't make what the company feels is a fair amount of sales. Customers call for other reasons than to add more services to their accounts! If we ignore their billing issues and repair issues we will loose those customers due to poor customer service! Hello, has anyone in VP land noticed that they'res been a recession going on for the last few years?? Of course not because there hasn't been for them with their nice big salaries. Wake up! People don't have money to buy, buy, buy. It wasn't broken the first time you tried to fix it and dismantled all the call centers we had at the time. I've been around for a lot of years and I've seen a lot of reorganizations. I've seen that "universal" only works in theory and things ran much smoother when people were specialized in their fields and departments were broken up and focused on one thing. Customers didn't have to wait 20 minutes for their calls to be answered and didn't get the run around because no one knew what the heck they were doing. Yes, calls were transferred to different departments but the customers problems were fixed and their needs were met! They're still being transferred today by our current universal reps who either don't have a clue what they're doing or are too busy having to push sales just so their wage doesn't get dropped, or our non union workers who just get walked out the door! What we call customer service today is an embarrassment compared to how it was before Maggie came on board and reorganized everything. I say go back to the old way of doing things. As a customer I would prefer to have my call transferred to someone who will be able to answer my question or fix my problem then to have one single point of contact that is going to ignore my real reason for calling and try to pressure me into buying more services that I cannot afford. And by the way, if our service is so wonderful then why do we have to rely on early termination fees to keep our customers? Our service should stand for itself just like our competitors.

  112. Take the Universal Rep theory and shove it! Let the sales people sell. Let the Repair people handle repair issues. Let the Collections people handle the billing issues that no one else wants to take care of and let us collect. Let the Techs install and repair service. It's very simple and it works!!!

  113. Come on IBEW! Blog it up! NO MORE ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! We mean business Mrs. Rottweiler.. I mean Wilderotter! You have no clue what the employees go through for the company! We DESERVE to be heard and we will not back down! We are not fools! STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE!

  114. While I believe you should stand up for workers rights, you must realize that whatever raise you negotiate will never be enough to cover what you lost by striking.

  115. I overhead some frontier customers talking about how they have been reading this blog and are getting ready to leave frontier. Unbelieveable!!! Even the customers can't believe it. I'm so embarrassed to work for an employer who treats us like this!!!I'm gonna ask all my family to port to time warner

  116. Hey WAH what kinda calls are you getting today? Lets hear it! I'll get you started. I just received a call from a customer that told me she has had svc for 30 yrs and that the past 2 years she has had the worst svc ever from frontier. Her next call is to her cable company. I looked at her records...funny she hasn't spoken to anyone in NY until she got me today. All her past experiences from the past 2 yrs have been Deland reps. 2 calls later I get a guy calling me a liar...He called to find out why his bill is higher than he was quoted it would be and when I explained that the charges are actually correct and he was "mis-informed" by the person that sold him his package (from deland again!) I am the liar. Thanks Deland..thank you for lying to our customers. Thank you for misleading them and not following up with them when you tell them you will. Thank you for treating us online reps like dirt when we call offline for some help. Thank you also to Maggie. Thank you for taking what used to be a good company and driving it in the ground. I AM NOT DRINKING THE KOOL-AID ANYMORE. And the next time we have 'customer service week' or whatever other reason to give us more Frontier junk make sure you put a big jar of vasoline in the bag. Thats what we need most.

  117. What is social media engagement, what is local engagement. answer the community you live in ibew members that live here, work here. I need some help call the ceo of frontier she is not aware of this unfair damaging affect by local this era we need each other I ask for some help

  118. HAHAH...yes she can come sit here in my house and try talking to these fed up customers...ED...way to go your so right!!! So sick of not getting anything back from these "higher ups" who more then 1/2 of them have less of an education then I do...they are only there for god knows what reason because they sure as hell don't know what the hell they are doing!!!!

    We need to fight for more money, more vacation time, and more RESPECT!!!

    Most companies if you work 10 years you get atleast 4 weeks vacation!!! Plus all the sick and personal time this place is a JOKE!!!

  119. I totaly agree with the "Undercover Boss" show.....

  120. give us our back pay for not taking a raise last year to help the company.

    give us back our furlough like everyone else got.

    give us $5000 for the work we DID do!

    and then we'll start on a new contract with decent perposals we deserve!

  121. Piss off in Middletown CollectionsOctober 19, 2010 at 12:05 PM

    Go Middletown, the rally was a good turnout..Ready to STRIKE if need be! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!!! Want a raise, NO medical increase & leave my senority & vacation picks ALONE! If they can do it for former Verizon people. They can do it for US!!!!!

  122. This place would fall apart if we strike....and the company knows that!!! We need to take advantage of that!!!

  123. This is what I'm worried about

    Increase in medical with no raise to balance it!!!!
    No 401k match!!! Wtf we r a huge company and cannot help its employees r u kidding me
    Job security
    And a whole lot of other things. I'm so sick n tired of worrying all the damn time! This company needs to wake up or they r going to have to deal with a strike and their names in the headlights but not the way they wanted it too!!!!!!!

  124. Welcome Communications CustomersOctober 19, 2010 at 2:54 PM

    I would like to be a fly on the wall .... whatching 'DEBBIE SAYS' ... not getting her way... all curled up in the corner... sucking her thumb... thinking ... NOW WHAT ?? OMG LMAO

    TEE HEE ....

    .... LOOK WHAT YOU RUINIED ... ///

  125. Proud Ibew 363 memberOctober 19, 2010 at 3:55 PM

    Frontier fooled the employees with a bad contract for the last time...Ibew 363 is united like never before. We are ready to stand up to Frontier and Princess Maggie!

  126. All the VP's should be on uncoverboss. Let them see how it is to live in our shoes for once. LEt them sweat the red light on the phone or living paycheck to paycheck...I want to take that bus to CT and protest in front of maggie's house!!!! WHO IS WITH ME!!!!!!!

  127. Of course our customers will know about this blog, absolutely they need to know that even though we are not being treated right, we still give our customers what they respectfully deserve. Maybe it is time for the customers to join us too. Hey Maggie planning another show lately?

  128. FED UP With the liesOctober 19, 2010 at 5:39 PM

    Its so great to hear Maggie on Mad Money, how they have reserve funds for stock pay out. Maggie you should of use the reserve fund for the bonus you get out and giving us back our fulough $$$$

  129. MCC, remember United we need to be with our brothers and sisters. Stop listening to rumors, enough is enough, we can NOT DIVIDE NOW OR NEVER, Lets stand strong with our brothers and sister.

    Trust me, Trust me!!!!!

  130. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
    No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.
    Well, I wake in the morning, Fold my hands and pray to avoid getting any of deland's mistakes.
    I got a head full of stress asking about universal rep and say what the heck is drivin' me insane.
    It's a shame the way she makes scrub and clean the mess that is left. I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.

  131. GO IBEW #363!! Stand together! Show this company that we mean business! A bonus was given to employees in WV...good for them! but WE ARE ALL LOYAL EMPLOYEES of this company! We gave back time...furlough time in NY only to turn around and give it to the newly aquired properties in WV! OMG! REALLY!!! so not only did we lose pay last year and did the company a favor and extended the contract (which i didn't vote for--just saying) we didn't get a bonus! they just take from us to give to the old saying ROB PETER TO PAY PAUL!! UNBELIEVABLE!! STAND STRONG 363!!!

  132. the hell with undercover boss.....put on ur boots and jeans and hard hat and head on down here and stand work side by side with me...see what the employees do to keep this company afloat for u miss maggie and the other VP's under her. I welcome any supervisor, 2nd level supervisor and up the line to the CEO herself to use the ride with program!! sit with the collection reps and see what messes they have to clean up from deland and ride with a com tech and see what we all do to keep our customers happy and keep their services with us!! I DARE any of them to do it!!!

  133. Midletown Collection Center: Customers are not happy to be calling a Collections department to begin with so we deal with irrate customers all day. We do our offline work. We fix everyone else's mistakes and take the heat for those mistakes. OUR MANAGEMENT KNOWS IT. And what do I get for my hard work? I get a smiley face on a sticky from my supervisor. Yes! That is why I work so hard...for a smiley on a sticky. C'mon MDTN...Stand up for yourselves and your other Brothers and Sisters of IBEW 363. I'll stand up for you...will you stand up for me??

  134. STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE STRIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I aint afraid!!!! Let's prove we are serious! Maggie should be ashamed of herself


  136. Lets start taking it to the streets and carry our signs on lunches and time off! Enough is enough! NY Employees know what true customer service is! Whether you are in collections, wah, directory, techs! We are in this together! Our bargaining team is not stupid! There is always a method to what they do for us! Please do not fall victim to the rumor mill. DO NOT USE COMPANY EMAIL TO REPLY TO THINGS YOU MAY NOT BE HAPPY WITH. IT SHOWS WEAKNESS. We need to stand together. We may have different stories but we are all one.

  137. This is in response to the Oct 19th Post at 10:35am. Yes, It's a well known fact that Striking Workers never recover Their lost wages. HOWEVER, There are other issues at stake besides "Workers Rights" Here. What about a Company TRIPLING in size and INCREASING Medical Costs borne by a Weary Middle Class Worker?? Where's the logic There?? I always thought that MORE WORKERS Buying Health Insurance as a GROUP would mean some combination of Better Benefits and LOWER COSTS to the Employee!! In Reading Your Post, I wonder If You're a Union Member with close ties with Your Boss?? While I understand Everyone's reluctance to vote for a Strike, There are times when a Group needs to TAKE A STAND. Think of Our Founding Fathers. If They didn't take a Stand, We might be living in a Country like IRAN or N Korea, or even China. Let's keep Our eye on the BIG PICTURE, and that's FAIR TREATMENT and a LIVING WAGE, keeping pace with inflation and Medical Costs. Not going Backwards, towards a Service Economy Wage (WALMART Anyone??)

  138. Hey IBEW & CWA, We all should take a bus to Stamford & picket infront of headquarters.. Who's with me?

  139. Why can't Frontier, like so many other big companies, see the forrest for the trees? If it wasn't for your loyal employees there wouldn't be stock options & profits. You know that saying; happy wife happy life, same thing applies here.

  140. I have worked for the "Telephone" company for many years. We have had our ups and downs but NEVER has it been this LOW!! When Maggie leaves (and she will, they always do) we will be in ruins if we don't stand strong!

    Good luck bargaining team.

    Don't drink the Kool-Aide!!

    United We Stand!

  141. There is something so very fundamentally wrong within the CEO of this company. She has a personal vendetta against unions and 363 is taking the brunt. She's a bully and obviously a very small person to be lashing out with her damaged-little-girl mentality.

    What she needs to do is stand up and be a strong woman and show the world that she can handle a company that deals with unions-handle it in a fair way that rewards the workers that gave her all of the money that, again, quite obviously leaves her feeling empty. If it wasn't so she wouldn't feel the need to slap down the Frontier workers. Face it-she puffs up her ego by treating Frontier workers like we're not human.

    Not only is it not right, it's down right SICK.

  142. Brothers and Sisters

    Check this out! "Labor News" on a recently negotiated contract with one of the newly acquired Frontier/Verizon properties (Washington/Oregon area).

    (Look under "Major Contract Negotiations & Settlements"....7th paragraph/bulleted item down)

    Prompts me to ask the question "What are we, "Chopped Liver"?!!

    Entire contract can be viewed at the IBEW Local 89 website.

  143. Sherburne SE AssignerOctober 20, 2010 at 7:19 AM

    I just want to say that that We (Sherburne Workers) will NOT ACCEPT the loss of the Vacation Carryover Language in Our Contract. The morons Here don't want Us to take Our Vacation when WE WANT TO TAKE IT, They want Us to take it WHEN IT BENEFITS THEM. Sorry Sherburne Schedulers, We EARN Our FH/Vacation Time with BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS!!!!!! If You used CONSISTENCY in approving Time off, there would be Rare instances of Vacation Carryover. As Every Sherburne Employee knows, The "Managers" Here create Their own problems- and "Punish" EVERYONE for Their own shortcomings. Treat Us like ADULTS for Once!!!! A funny thing happens- People's behavior MIRRORS HOW THEY ARE TREATED!!!! This Facility is like GRADE SCHOOL!!!! Oh, and One last thing-- to MANDY, You're WRONG, We don't have too much Vacation/FH Time, WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH to deal with the INSANITY AND BI-POLAR ACTIONS OF YOUR MANAGEMENT "TEAM"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  144. FYI Brothers and Sisters. I just sent a VERY DETAILED E-Mail to President Bill Kelly, of WVIA-TV, a PBS ( PUBLIC Broadcasting) Station in Pittstown PA. Maggie recently appeared on His Station, Touting Frontier's Products/Services, Local "Engagement", and Our "Customer Service Commitment". I went into GREAT DETAIL about the Gloversville NY Center closing, Opening Up Deland, instituting WAH (and the problems there), The Furlough fiasco, the $5,000 Bonus to WVA Employees with little to no DIRECT INVOLVEMENT with the conversion, and Our On-going negotiations. I included Our 363 website and blog addresses, and Gil's e-mail address if Mr Kelly has questions. I Urged Mr Kelly to share this info with His viewers, since MANY are Frontier Customers, Employees, and possibly INVESTORS. STAY TUNED, More E-Mails to be sent!!


  146. Alright for Sherburne SE assignor.... You are so right, We do not have enough vacations & FH time !!! IT takes 25 yrs just to get 5 wks vacation... After 25 yrs, we should have 8-9 wks vacation....

  147. Do not drink the kool-aid!!!! Good morning fellow ibew members :) hope everyone had a good day! God bless our negotiators!!!your gonna need it!!!!!!

  148. i bet all the hits are from management anyway.

  149. I can't believe oregon and wa got zero medical contributions and the company wants to increase ours!!!!! Everyone needs to llok @ that link!!!!! Bullcrap!

  150. To all my brothers and sisters Oregon/Washington employees got what they wanted. Maggie did you signed quickly the contract (is it because you are so involved telecomunications with obama, is that why you guys agreed on their contract. Kudos to these union employees for getting exactly what they fought for.

    363 IBEW FAMILY IF OREGON/WASHINGTON got what they wanted, than this better be a breeze for us. OTHERWISE



  152. Stop and thank about this as frontier employees 1st let's call our ceo ask her for some direction on our matter I believe she will help us again I believe she not aware of what local management is doing to us I work for frontier comm when local management look the other way I ask for help from her and she never let's us down us yes and ibew member our the customer that I am working with.
    When other tell me thing like she does Not care. I prove them wrong you will see.
    as a ibew member I will not see my self any different than management but they remind me the day will come when Maggie is sitting next to us management not knowing she there boy I can.
    stop and thank of what I just said call your ceo maggie I believe after this she will look at thing different
    remember local management did not act before or care. Now call ask her to help us yes all ibew members. I work for frontier comm: and as a ibew member I care, I'm part of our environment our local engagement is us frontier ibew

  153. No the reduction we should get is Medical 13%, 4% increase for 1st year and 3% for 2nd and 2.75% for 3rd yrs and the holidays we currently have to remain as is and also throw in a quarterly bonus of $500 for 3 yrs we well deserve it!

    NY employees have been the dumping grounds it is time for them to pays us accordingly.

  154. "Stop and thank about this as frontier employees 1st let's call our ceo ask her for some direction on our matter I believe she will help us again I believe she not aware of what local management is doing to us I work for frontier comm when local management look the other way I ask for help from her and she never let's us down us yes and ibew member our the customer that I am working with.
    When other tell me thing like she does Not care. I prove them wrong you will see.
    as a ibew member I will not see my self any different than management but they remind me the day will come when Maggie is sitting next to us management not knowing she there boy I can.
    stop and thank of what I just said call your ceo maggie I believe after this she will look at thing different
    remember local management did not act before or care. Now call ask her to help us yes all ibew members. I work for frontier comm: and as a ibew member I care, I'm part of our environment our local engagement is us frontier ibew "


    Ok I barely understood most of that but it sounds like you think we can call the CEO and tell her our problems.

    Are you not aware that an employee contacted her last year and was promptly suspended for 3 weeks because she didn't want to hear what was said?

    I think, if you think the CEO is so wonderful, you've already had too much Kool Aid to drink.

    And seriously, did you graduate from high school? Your post is barely understandable.

  155. Joyce we have had a enough off the kool aid!!!

  156. That "Barely understandable" Post above looks like One from DeLand.

  157. Contract ends tonight, negotiations are scheduled to continue tomorow. If negoations are continuing in good faith, the contract should be mutually extended. I look forward to the negoation updates from our team and remain hopeful for favorable contract.

    Stay United and support our team.

  158. I am all for a fair contract with an affordable benefit package as my family is living from paycheck to paycheck. My BIG concern is if a strike is voted for, the NY calls will obviously be routed to other places. Isn't there a STRONG possibility that Frontier may decide not to bring the calls back to NY and say that they do not need NY WAH Reps? What would the Union do to help us then? I am sure this must be weighing heavily on everyone's mind. The past several years have seen jobs dwindle in Johnstown and rumor has that there will be more downsizing so it seems that NY does not matter to Frontier anymore - it feels like we are being tossed aside. I cannot believe how Frontier is treating NY after all of our years of hard work, dedication and loyalty to them. What a slap in the face when Maggie gave $1.5 million to Verizon reps for their loyalty for a couple of months? REALLY? There is not enough money in the world to compensate NY employees for everything we have done for the company.


  160. I regularly attend meetings. I am proud to say i keep up with what goes on all the time. I am not a fair weather union member. I see alot of what goes on. Being WAH is tough. We have seen Middletown and Sherburne grow by leaps and bounds....while the Johnstown area has less and less jobs. It has been said among some of us that with Middletown and Sherburne growing the union as well as the management have not focused on Johnstown jobs. But the union has gotten a new classification for Johnstown the Saveteam Reps. WOO HOO. Thank you...So yes our union has worked well and worked for us. I thank you for that. I do want to be honest here and I hope this gets posted completely.

    To the IBEW team, fight the right battles. Common sense goes a long way. I am honestly ready to do what I have to do. Not to put anymore pressure on the team right now but please use common sense. I keep you ALL in my prayers everyday. And I will be wearing my BLUE tomorrow for you all and my co-workers. We do not have that many employment options here where we live and the union has afforded all of us a good living. We know you are doing your best and that is all we can ask for. You the IBEW team can lead by example I trust that you will make us proud in your representation. Remember we pay you. God Bless

  161. I am an IBEW 363 Member of 10+ years. I appreciate the fact that I have the Union fighting for us Brothers and Sisters to help us get the best contract with a fair raise, fair benefits package and clean-up of language of the existing contract. I would like to ask all Union Members to reflect on the following though; After the Contract is all said and done---ratified and we are back to Business As Usual, remember that some of the hostile and nasty comments directed personally to some Management Members could definitely affect where work is directed in the upcoming years. We know there is a lot of work from multiple Verizon Centers and that is due to be restructured. Keep in mind that when you comment on the blog, those comments might be read by those that are directly related to bringing that work into our Local. While we may eventually have a Contract, what we really want is work flowing in to provide us with stablility and more security. There is a way to get your point across without being hostile personal comments or mudslinging. A Contract with no work and seeing it go to other Centers gets us no where---and then a lot of you will be asking the question, "Why didn't they give it to us!?". Think before you speak/write!

  162. I agree with the above statement. I am a PROUD member for over 12 years. Also lets keep in mind that there could be ANYONE non union people writing on this board. So it can make us look foolish. Good intenetions can get ruined and hijacked by others not wanting the IBEW or NY workers.

    I hope the IBEW concentrates not only on a good fair conract but a contract with some longevity to it. Not 1 year, but a multi-year contract that would be wonderful.

    Work it out.

  163. In response to the 10-27 post at 2:41pm, I wouldn't be too concerned about what "might" happen with this Company "in upcoming Years". At the Norwich "Strike Vote" Meeting on Oct 26th, I recall a Member concerned about pushing the Healthcare Increase opposition, considering "Obamacare" going into effect in 2014. The Concern is very foolish- considering that 2014 is 4 Years away and "Obamacare" has a very good chance of being REPEALED AND REPLACED by the GOP. My point is- all We have is RIGHT NOW, THIS CONTRACT. Sure, We'd all like to have Our jobs for the long haul. Be careful believing what You hear about "be quiet, "They" might get mad at us and not send work Our way". The ONLY criteria used in determining Where work is sent is BOTTOM LINE, DOLLARS AND CENTS. I've been through multiple Layoffs, mostly in My early 20's. Believe Me, I know what it feels like to be out of work. However, one thing I've learned over the Years is- NEVER TAKE ANYTHING FOR GRANTED. I have also learned to stand up for Yourself, NO MATTER THE CONSEQUENCES. As has been said elsewhere on this BLOG, there have been a VERY SMALL AMOUNT of Posts in "poor taste". However, comparing this BLOG to the "average One", this BLOG is quite clean. Yes, It is hard hitting. However, only VERY WEAK LEADERS will take these comments as Personal. Business is Business. At the end of the Day, We're all just trying to survive. If Management can't handle the Truth, Maybe They shouldn't be reading. Remember the "golden rule". If Everyone followed It, this Society would be much better off.

  164. I completely agree with the Oct 31 Post at 9:03pm above. I would also cite the Gloversville Call Center as an example of a Positive, "can do" Union workforce. How did that work out for those Loyal, Professional, EXTREMELY KNOWLEDGEABLE Employees?? How about Center closure and massive Employees out of work?? Again, as the post above states, It's all about "Dollars and Cents", in determining where jobs are moved to, or placed in. Like the Old Gloversville Center Workforce, what remains in Local 363 are ALSO Loyal, Professional and EXTREMELY KNOWLEDGEABLE Employees. They deserve to be Treated AND COMPENSATED fairly. How Many Customers has Frontier lost as a result of opening a Call Center in DeLand Florida?? Too many to count. Do You want CURRENT Proof?? Has Anyone seen or heard about the MASSIVE PORT OUT LIST in WVA?? Great timing!! Just after the Conversion in July Started, so did the Porting Out!! As has been stated in older BLOG Posts, If the Company doesn't like what They're reading, either don't Read, or better yet- TREAT YOUR UNION EMPLOYEES WITH RESPECT AND CLASS. Believe Me, as a business owner Myself, It pays BIG DIVIDENDS!! Remember- Frontier Management, in the areas that 363 serves. You have LONG-TENURED Union Employees. It takes MANY YEARS to gain the experience and KNOWLEDGE/SKILL that Tenured Employees have. If You want the Company to GROW, Demonizing, Disrespecting and attempting to INTIMIDATE Us will NOT work. Like the growing discontent among the Public in Our Government, doing the WRONG THING will only escalate the problem. Think about it.

  165. Sherburne AssignmentNovember 1, 2010 at 9:17 PM

    Kudos to the Oct 31st post at 9:03pm and Nov 1st at 8:02am!! I couldn't have said it better Myself. Kool-aid drinkers need to trust Their Union Leadership. As was said at the "Strike Vote" meeting of Oct 26th, Gil, Tom & John have been though MANY, MANY bargaining sessions and are in Our Corner. We need to trust Them, and the rest of Our Bargaining Committee. We need to stay united. Remember the Locals with better contracts than Us. The Primary reason for that-- They are ROCK SOLD UNITED. They don't listen to Company-generated Propaganda. And, above all, They stay INFORMED. If We were better informed about what Our 363 Leaders have been doing for the last 2-3 Years (Talking extensively with other Locals as They were in Bargaining with this Company), There would be much less worry and concern. Am I concerned?? Yes. BUT Not about our Bargaining Team's preparation and skill. What I AM Concerned about is the Company's EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS AND INVESTORS (I happen to be BOTH). I'm concerned that Frontier's stock will continue to decrease and Our "Port out list" will continue to GROW, the OPPOSITE of ideal circumstances. Nobody out there should ever question Our loyalty to the Growth and Prosperity of this Company, nor should They ever question our Committment to Our Union. God Help Us all, We need It.

  166. I don't think we're the only local that is going to be showing our chops. The company is going to be getting nailed by each unit as contracts come up. We have a lot to be bitter about-having our money taken away from us after lies where fed to us. Corporate knows what it did to us and they know we're angry and tired and we're calling them out. Frankly I think the union people moderating this blog understand that frustration and anger and they are letting us have our say. Sorry, I'm not playing that "you play nice we'll play nice" game- because it's a game and corporate will pull any dishonest garbage they can to keep us under their thumbs and keep our money flowing out of our paychecks and into their bonuses.

  167. Not feeling sorry for "hurt feelings" on the part of management. They don't feel "sorry" for LYING to us and STEALING our money!!!

  168. Thank you to the Bargaining team for all of your hard work. Staying up until 4am in Negotiations must be pain-staking. We all stand behind you and know you will not recommend a tentative agreement that doesn't represent a fair and reasonable offer to our members.
