Today is October 20, 2021 Remember United We Stand !

Monday, January 22, 2018

Questionaire # 1

Please enter in the comment section your top 5 priorities in order for this contract.

We would appreciate it if you signed off with your real name.  Also put your classification down.

Please pass the word for your fellow coworkers to go on and fill this out.

Results will be kept confidential with the bargaining committee.


  1. If we are going to move unqualified people to qualified jobs and have educated trades people train them, then lets not put them at the same pay rate. These people payed alot of money for there education and then you expect them to teach someone how to do there job. To show someone how to apply there skills to our plant is one thing, but to expect someone to educate them on, hydraulics, pneumatics, welding, plumbing, Chem process, electrical, design and fabrication is insane. These people gave up years of there life in trade schools, college and even some learned there skills in the military. To just throw any joe in with them and give them full pay rate when they can't perform is just a poor management decision and why train them when the company is saying they are as good as you. Just an all around kick in the nuts. Then we have lead men paging enginering all over the plant to bail them out. Pay the support staff more than the techs.

  2. I would like a day shift only position like QA, Shipping, Rework and Tool Room. I also think Chem process should get Millwright pay. Anything else i trust you guys to do your best.
